Thursday, August 27, 2009

Final AstroBoy Poster
US Version

Japan Version
check the other AstroBoy Movie posters here


  1. I like the Japanese version more. very old school look.

  2. I saw the US version when David Bowers tweeted it, but now that I've seen the Japanese version I think I like it even more. It's an iconic Astro pose. Plus it's the full realization of his image from the black silhouette seen on the teaser poster. That blue energy in the background we see is also the blue "core" energy in the story, and just just an effect for the poster.

  3. Not really digging the back light in US version. It generate some weird shadow on the face.

  4. I don't like the final photo retouching for this poster, it's too dark, the black make the poster look dirty, just my personal opinion...
    I like the tone of Japanese better.
    BTW, we made another HK version with similar theme, AstroBoy ready for fight in the city, but the tone is brighter, for some reason, i don't know when will it release...
