Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Astroboy Full Length Trailer

Summit Entertainment has released the full trailer for AstroBoy today. See exclusive AstroBoy Trailer on msn


  1. Ugh! I am at work so I can't watch it yet (its blocked for some reason, mind you I shouldn't even be online anyway lol). I'll comment again once I check it out later. :D

  2. Ok, I finally saw it. And it looks fantastic. :]

    Btw, the director, David Bowers, has it up on youtube for everyone to see (the msn link doesn't work for me since I use google chrome, thanks microsoft!)

    Here is the link:

  3. I feel like I should congratulate everyone at Imagi even though the movie is not out yet. The trailer is great and the movie looks like a lot of fun!

    I hope that this trailer helps to pack people from all over the world into their local theaters. I know I'll do my part to make sure that happens!


  4. 你們IMAGI好勁! 一定可以為香港爭光! 但個Logo唔同樣?

  5. Wow! I see that you are paying tribute to Zentrix. The big robot, the people, the city scape and look and feel are just like the 2002 TV show! Is that the art direction pursued? I am a big fan for Zentrix!

    Thank you, Felix. You must have contributed a lot to this retro look. I never knew what the fuzz about the realism and sharp visuals of PIXAR and DW are all about. I like my animation just like the old days and you made it happen!

  6. Thank you! Andrew and Ninjatron, thank you for your support on AstroBoy movie. Hope more people will go to see that.

    Richard, 係呀!Logo改咗....personally I like the old one better.

    hey Anonymous: please leave your name next time so that I know whom i am talking to. :)
    I think there are common design philosophy on robot design between AstroBoy and Zentrix: simple graphic shape...
    BTW, there is a Zentrix poster on the wall of Toby(astro)'s bed room.

  7. My Thoughts on Astro Boy Trailer

  8. Thanks MikeCrytes!! I agree that Astoboy is not the best animated movie, but a decent and entertained one for ;) (BTW, the arm cannon make me colloected to Mega man too, they are kind of have similar elements)

  9. feedback on trailer:
