Yona Yona Penguin, directed by Rintaro which is the first computer animated theatrical production directed by noted anime company MADHOUSE Studios, aims to be a gentle stimulation of both childhood panic and anticipation. The final product of which sports high-quality texture design and a benevolent reliance upon settings that may as well have taken place in a European fairytale.
Reportedly produced on a budget ranging at USD $12-$13 million or slightly higher, Yona Yona Penguin comes in at a few obvious pegs lower than computer animated flicks typically emerging from western territories with greater resources at their disposal.
Japan Trailer
I just know that the animated CG animated movie was already released in Japan December 2009. Actaully we have worked a little bitt on this project at the very beginning. [via] [previous post]
its really long time ago...2005?...i had refine some toys in yona's bed room and the tree of the last shot in trailer based on 寺田克也 rough sketch