Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sitent imagi studios

I feel very complicated. I left the studio I have been working for 10 years, I still cannot 100% accept the fact of the Imagi Studios end like this. I witness all the changes from day 1....
Today imagi staff go back to studios to meet Labour departmant. Office just like a mess , everyone packing and shipping their own belongs... these pictures are taken by Wicky one of my colleague, the HR manager who turned off the last lamp of imagi studios..

23F Reception area

23F Character Modeling department

23F surfacing despartment

22F Training Centre/Muti Purpose Room

21F Lighting Deapatment

22F Development Team

22F M.I.S and RnD

To all the imagian, I am reall glad to work with you together, we had lots of fun and we are pround of what we make. Take care and Don't give up CG and animation!!! Hope we can work together again. >_<

Imagi Studios... silent....

1 comment:

  1. We lost our job. Even our dream, following Imagi sank in the sea.
