Tuesday, February 16, 2010

T28 Teaser Characters

We uploaded The Tetsujin28 Teaser Website few months ago for audience comment and we collect a lot of positive feedback from international, as I checked the survey at 2 months a go, more than 80% vote that they want this movie to be made.
The website is still online, but I am not sure when will it be shut down. I love that project a lot. Here I captured the character images from the website (just in case the website disappear suddenly) I keep this for our memory.

I like Black OX redesign!

I do not satisfy with the human character design, as we reused and modified some of the existing asset to reduce cost... He turn out much more realistic than we expected, yes, he looks like a Harry Porter, this is one of idea on designing him. If I have chance, I will make him more stylize and less photo realistic.

Visit the website
You can also watch that at youtube or download the teaser from the website, check the information from my previous post

I still hope it can made someday in the future...


  1. Yap, T28 would have been really cool project and the teaser trailer you made was truly provoking.
    I have to agree that human characters might need to be a lot more stylized to accommodate with the world of signature design of T28 and Black Ox. I really admire what you did on T28, nicely upgraded without loosing the heart of it, so that Shotaro just need to fill in the same visual language...

    I will look forward to seeing you working on it again someday!

  2. 我都好期待T28可以有進一步消息....黑牛轉身 同太郎保護t28..呢兩個shot我好鐘意
