Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kamen Rider 01


  1. Nice version of V3, Felix. By the way, did you receive my e-mail?

    Also, check out this Kamen Rider: Kamen Rider Double

  2. Thanks Philip! Kamen Rider Double is little too much for me.. its not my cup of tea. I like the retro version :P

  3. well, can't try convincing. besides, most people prefer the original series. I only got into Double because I myself have a partner like the main character in Double.

  4. I might like it if I had chance to watch that yet. Just like the case of 555, I start like him after I watched the story. Just not like the design with first impression ;P

  5. well, so far the series is done with 30 episodes.

    So far, Shotaro and Philip (Double's true identities) are currently in a dilemma that may tear them apart and they might unlock their ultimate form.
