Thursday, July 01, 2010

felixip.blogspot 4th Anniversary

Keep the good habit !!
I can't imagine that I've been running this blog for 4 years. I started in 2006 just for fun induced by my friends. At the beginning I wrote in Chinese and mainly sharing my daily feeling... and at the same time i can practice more Chinese input during blogging.

My blog used to become an in-official imagi website since i posted a lots of imagi related projects stuffs and it attracted lots of reader from different areas. English readers become more dominate than the Chinese readers up to 60%, I use English more than Chinese for posting so that more people can read. Hoever actually I think thats not critical because I mainly post imagessss :P

Recently I love to keep on blogging and share all visuals images I search which inspires me and I would like to share with you here. Actually his blog become my visual library for me to save the interesting visuals. I think I will keep this direction for a while. I set up another blog to gather most my art there. Anyway thank you for you visiting and please keep it on, my friends!


之前多是很個人的東西,有一段時間變成舊公司的In-official website。最近我想日常"Inspire Me"的有趣東西與大家分享。而把自己的畫作集中在另一個Art Blog之中。這裡,其實變相是我的Visual inspiration Library。希望大家喜歡我搜集的有趣圖像。



  1. Your blog is a great inspiration, Felix! Keep up the great work!


  2. Happy 4th Anniversary! your blog really inspired me a lot. Keep up the good work Felix.

  3. 哈哈,好一篇中英對照,但我相信日後很少會再見到中文或中英對照文章。
    BTW, "happy birthday" to your blog.

  4. Thanks, Ninjatron and Tancleo, I will keep it up!!

    Alan: 哈哈哈! 話唔埋呢... ;p
