Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sangre y Acero Bookmark! 武道狂造型書籤 

六款將會在書展送出的人物造型書籤。人物造型的插圖是和《狼派英雄繪卷》小畫冊中相同的。從十四款造型選了其中六款來設計書籤。其他的人物包括:何自聖、 練飛虹、圓性、桂丹雷、江雲瀾、錫昭屏、錫曉巖、樊宗。

A set of 6 hero character bookmark will be the give away souvenir for upcoming BookFair. These images are same as the leaflet inside, 6 out of 14 was picked for the bookmark.

copyright (C) 2010 Unicorn Studios. All Rights Reserved.

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