Thursday, February 03, 2011

Google Art Project

Technology is great, thank internet, thank google for Google Art Project!! This is wonderful and amazing!!!

Google on Monday unveiled a new feature called Google Art Project that is nothing short of wonderful and amazing! The project is an online archive of ultra-high-resolution images of great works of art. Google has applied their “Street View” technology, familiar for providing zoomable street-level images within the context of Google Maps, to the display of both the works and the galleries in which they reside.

At the moment they are working with 17 museums, each of which has contributed one or more gigapixel level images to the project; and an impressive start it is:

Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin – Germany
Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian, Washington DC – USA
The Frick Collection, NYC – USA
Gemäldegalerie, Berlin – Germany
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC – USA
MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art, NYC – USA
Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid – Spain
Museo Thyssen – Bornemisza, Madrid – Spain
Museum Kampa, Prague – Czech Republic
National Gallery, London – UK
Palace of Versailles – France
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam – The Netherlands
The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg – Russia
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow – Russia
Tate Britain, London – UK
Uffizi Gallery, Florence – Italy
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam – The Netherlands

GOOGLE發佈一個新服務「Google Art Project」,讓網友不用出國,在家輕鬆連上網路就可以逛國外博物館,包括知名的法國凡爾賽宮、英國倫敦的國家藝廊、紐約的大都會博物館,目前已經有17間博物館可以線上免費參觀。

Google Art Project將GOOGLE地圖、街景與相簿的技術整合,進入Google Art Project乍看之下,好像是GOOGLE把街景車開到了博物館裡面,利用像是街景的虛擬實境畫面,讓使用者好像是真的在逛博物館一樣,Google Art Project同時也提供了藝術品及作者的簡介,透過網路,逛博物館不用人擠人,也不用拿放大鏡看,動動手就能一覽無遺。

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