Saturday, March 19, 2011

FIVE RINGS: Artists Help Japan – Earthquake & Tsunami 2011

FIVE RINGS: Artists Help Japan – Earthquake & Tsunami 2011

The strongest M9.0 quake ever recorded in Japan struck off the north-east coast of the main land of Japan on March 11. The area was then flooded and destroyed by over 30 feet high, massive Tsunami following. Death toll will likely keep rising, now it could be tens of thousands....

There is many way we can help!

" Dice Tsutsumi, an art director at Pixar Animation Studios and a good friend of many of us, has quickly made his move to set up a fund called Artists Help Japan working with Give2Asia who he worked with for Totoro Forest Project to help preserve Sayama Forest back in 2008, asking for your help.
Give2Asia, as a part of Asian Foundation, has a local team based in Tokyo to assess the current situation and to obtain more information on the needs of survivors.

I think we believe the power of artists in this community who have been already trying to lend their helping hands before and make a difference to this kind of adverse circumstances by joining together from industries in animation, film, illustration, graphic design, fine art, comic book and any art-related world you could serve at.

There are many ways to be a small part of help and it could be as little as $10 to make a difference.
I know that's the common way of saying, but in fact, if you could imagine 1000 people donate $10 each, it will be $10,000 and that's something they can totally use for practically helping survivors' immediate needs such as water, food and maybe another blanket for the area known for cold, long winter.

So nothing can be too little and your generous thoughts will be greatly appreciated !"

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