Sunday, April 10, 2011

"Weapon of Mass Destruction" by Martin Miller

Those shapes and of mechanic structure element always attract me. These are all close up of "20th-Century War Machines" by photographer Martin Miller.

Traverse Gears, U.S. 16in Coastal Defense Gun 1922

Trunnion, U.S. 16in Coastal Defense Gun 1922

U.S. M1 Grizzly Mine Clearing Vehicle 1997

Hatchway, U.S. Bradley M2 Fighting Vehicle 1980

Elevation Mechanism, U.S. 16in Coastal Defense Gun 1922

Controls, U.S. 3in Gun 1918

Hatch, British Mk I Grant Tank 1940

Track Wheels, U.S. M48 Patton Tank 1952

These photos visually looks very interesting... but there is a statement from artist behind for this series of photos:

20th-Century War Machines, Vestiges of an Embattled Humanity War is a conspicuous thread in the fabric of human experience. However, it was not until the industrial revolution that human competitiveness and technology combined to create terrible new dimensions to the age-old quest to prevail in battle. The 20th century witnessed the full flowering of this partnership, and the images presented here testify to its fascinating and horrific fruits. The subjects in this series span the 20th century and the globe. Many of them bear combat scars and soldiers undoubtedly were killed in some of them. In their presence lurk the ghosts of those who built them, those who manned them, and those who were the objects of their terrible wrath. History concerns itself with the causes and course of these catastrophic events, but it is the relationship between individuals and their war machines that defines the daily existence of humans in modern warfare.
[ via pondly ]

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