Monday, April 26, 2010

Win a Copy of "1840 CnA Art Book"

This contest is closed!

Here's the giveaway contest for blog followers to win a copy of our new Art Book.


  • See the Followers widget in the top of the right sidebar. Just sign up as a blog follower with your existing Google, AIM, Yahoo or OpenID account.
  • Just post a comment at this post to participate in this contest.
  • The deadline for this giveaway is midnight (GMT time) of 07 May 2010, Friday.
  • One winner will be chosen randomly and announced after the deadline.
  • This giveaway is open to all.
see more details of this book here
check more work at my art blog


ernestquek said...

First one here! Looks like a nice artbook. hope to win it and show it to my friends!

André Rocha said...

Yaaaaaaay, I'd love to win the book :D Seems to have great art going on there :}

second here! xD

K.Adam White said...

Another beautiful book... I’d love to get a closer look at it!

Brett Bean said...

Good lookin stuff!

MOTH3R said...

Looks like a great boost to the imagination. Price is great as well.

Artur Sadlos said...

Yes Sir!!!

Louten said...

Nice blog! :0

Marciota said...


Nbu said...

This book seems wonderful, the glimpses are huge !

Francis said...

Following :). Great inspirational stuff on your blog here, thanks!
Looks like a beautiful art book... fingers crossed!

Sara said...

Looks like it'll be a great artbook! Would love to win. Nice blog :)

Hopefully this works. I became a follower using my Yahoo account, but then created a Google account to leave a comment :S

Barry said...

This book looks great. Thanks for the contest.

Urwen said...

Looks awesome!
Thanks for the opportunity

Matt said...

Cool - looks good! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful book. I would love the chance to win this! Count me in!

augustin said...

very nice drawings...
very nice book...
could it be mine?


Unknown said...

Fantastic looking book with some amazing artwork. :)

Unknown said...

Great artbook..I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks!

Yash said...

One more to add to my collection!

Anonymous said...

Good work !!

Erik Storstein said...

Seems like a great art book, count me in! :)

ihiu6o said...

Good blog, the book looks great, is very interesting art

Pete H said...

liking the blog :) and the book looks great as well!!

David González said...

Very nice blog! And the book looks really interesting! :)

LAWay said...

With a contest so simple how can you not compete?! Although, the fact that there is gorgeous artwork in this book really does make it a no brainer.
*fingers crossed*

AmbiDextrose said...

Mighty fine-looking art book. Good job to everyone involved and good luck in all your future endeavors. I hope you guys get to work together again in the near future.

Jar3d said...

a comment

Darkness and Colour said...

amazing looking material, thanks for this opportunity to win it!

Rui said...

Book looks great. Hope i win!!

Scott said...

Great artbook, hope I win!

JIM said...

Gimme that book!!!

Unknown said...

Amazing book!! Hope to win it!

sixmoredays said...


Always been an undying fan of great art books, hope this goes into my collection!

I have to win it!

Kevin Goh said...

Look good .

Filipe Miranda said...

The book looks amazing! Hope I win the contest!

enveuz said...

i want it too, 'cause it's awesome!)

zachip said...

look amazing. hope to win.
if not i will buy it.

Alexander said...

Maybe I´m the lucky one?!
It looks definitely very interesting. :)

spacemango said...

What a great looking book! Good luck to everyone =)

Parka said...

Nice to see so many people headed over here.

Nice blog by the way. I featured it as an Art Blog of Note few days ago.

bcrane said...

Looks great =)

Chapboy said...

god wish me luck wish me luck...

T.Sawamoto said...

Looks great! You're far too nice!
Good luck to all!

Youal said...

Cool, I want in! There is so many talented artist in this artbook.

I wish all the best to all those in 18:40.

BoO said...

thank you very much for this new giveaway!
Good day to you!


mpar said...

Lots of refreshing art! I like it

David Leyva said...

excellent selection of different ideas and aesthetic ...
good blog!, deeply addictive and perfect for free lost of paranoia

Claire Ingram said...

A very clever idea and a lovely varied artbook. Fingers crossed it'll be mine! hehe :)

Ninjatron said...

This book looks great and I really want to win! Oh yeah!


vincent said...

One more candidate for this book :)

Leo said...

Looks like a really awesome art-packed book :D

coolian said...

I hope i win! The book looks amazing

Pit. said...

WOW! This book looks amazing. Great blog and great contest. Love to be following it by now.

Good look to all!


Wayne said...

I must say that ya got some nice stuff up on your blog! post more =)

felix ip said...

Thanks everyone, esoterically thank Parka introduced our artbook in his blog and suggested me to run a give away contest :)

Unknown said...

Wow l went to look to buy and then found out I could win. Cool stuff!

cake said...

Hi there is cake!!
I just want to say that the artbook looks really good and we will stay tuned of this blog

Jenn Ryckman said...

It's a shame to hear about Imagi, there's some really great work by the artists. I will most definitely check out their websites when I have time.

Now following!

Jakob Eirich said...

Nice book! Would like to browse it.

xraiko said...

Looks exciting! :) I hope I get lucky.

raul chavez said...

Yep, count me in too.

Rich.nsb said...

Looks great! Here's hoping!

Unknown said...

Cool art! Hope I'm lucky...

Anonymous said...

*crosses fingers*

Kuki said...

A really cool artbook, great inspiration there, hope to win it ^^

Unknown said...

Ahh nice book!

Fingers crossed.

IngSiang said...

*prayinggg* XD

came here from btw, (:

Unknown said...

Beautiful work from what i can see!

I'll be glad to follow you ! :)

Josh Milewski said...

Cool, thanks for the opportunity.

Vinh Pham said...

Very simple contest and great artbook, I'll win it, hehe...

Calvin Murdock said...


Unknown said...

I want to win it!

Unknown said...

gorgeous art! lets see you will win!
i hope its gonna be meeee ^_^


Unknown said...

nice artworks :)

Varun Malhotra said...

yipes! am I late? :D
Freggin awesome artwork that be!
needless to say, I want! ^_^

Unknown said...

je tente également ma chance ^^
d'autant que l'ouvrage semble plutôt sympa !

felix ip said...

This contest is closed. and The winner is Jennifer Ryckman. Thanks everyone for the participation and support! I'll contact the winner by email (the one you sign in with).

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