Friend here keep asking me to show new Gatchaman stuffs. As you know the show is still in the development stage but I got approval from imagi to share with your guys some CG RENDER images which can show the "look" of the Gatchaman movie. These were work in progress shots and even not showed in SDCC. enjoy : ) exclusive!!
The new Gatchaman logo The Utoland, Joe's muscle car at the left corner. Car chase sence of Joe Galactor invade ISO These are CG render image, not a concept art painting tell me what you think? more is coming... see more previous concept art
Looks great. Is this film still on tap for a 2009 release, or will we have to wait until 2010?
Was the art direction and look of the film created by Kevin Monroe, and is Imagi still using the same character models he showed off in the interview at
My name is Kena. I comes from Taiwan, and I 'm Gatchaman fans just like the other in the world.
I also made a Gatchaman Website with Chinese . I saw your new share about CG Gatchaman Images in your blog. It's so amazing and wonderful. Now I'll ask a permission if you'll give me the permission to post these pictures , translation your contents and link in Chinese?
I just send a letter to you.Please contact me if you can. Many thanks.
Kena 敬上
PS:Well,I just wonder what do you mean that Gatchaman will not come in 2009...?
hi felix, nice preview pixs~~!! worldwide gatchaman fans awaiting for your company's animation movie and toys...hahaha I am sure it will be a great success and much anticipation (i know i am :P cos i am a huge fan as well)
I am in my 30's and watched the Gatchaman series on Amerikan television in the form of 'G-FORCE' or 'Battle of the Planets'. I got into GATCHAMAN in my teens.
Can't wait for this movie. Hopefully its an all Asian cast. I hate when they place a white kid (Like Goku in DragonBall) in an Asian setting. It just doen't feel right and a little self-loathing if you ask me.
Goku wasn't Asian, just because he and the rest of the cast of Dragon Ball were drawn by an Asian doesn't necessarily mean the characters have to be Asian. Todd McFarlane is white and Spawn is black...go figure.
to Felix L. ricardo- Todd McFarlane is a creator which has nothing to do with a character in his story. he created Spawn as a black character....However, if a white guy played Spawn in the movie it would have been totally hollywood...
Honestly, Although Goku in the series doesn't look Japanese (due to the anime nature) I guarentee the creator wouldn't mind seeing a Japanese person play Goku.
Its just alway a White Guy as the hero. and No matter how you spin it.. with a couple asians, black, hispanics, mexicans, the White Guy 8 out of 10 times will be the hero. Thats all Godwell is saying
Living in England, it's impossible to get any info on this film, so thank you for this fine site! Any fears I had for this film (especially after the debacle of Transformers) have been put to bed. Imagi appear to care about the characters, the shows history & fans, which is rare. Can't wait for the film...shame it won't be showed on the big screen over here
it will be an all-white cast cause it's being produced by americans. hollywood is white, it will and will always be. look at speed racer, they made speed white, the movie bombed. they're doing the same with dragonball, they made goku white. so it will bomb. bruce lee rules!!!
we go .... yet ..... Film-copy speed racer ... like 300, the spirit, sin city ... is not as original this Story.... i'm sorry for my writing... i'm italian
These images look great so far. I only have one question...Joe's original car was blue. Aren't you going to keep the color? It seems wrong to see a red car as the G2...
Looking forward to seeing the character designs. Hoping they'll be much closer to the original than were those awful Gatch 94 redesigns, with biker Joe and lost-my-way-to-the-boy-band-rehearsal Ken...
What I liked about Gatchaman (after watching it again years later) I realised, is how much more grittier it was than other shows. They must have cut it a lot to show on our local TV station here in South Africa in the 80's.
I love CG, but if you push the bar to high towards realism, flaws get noticed much easier by audiences, so I think the adding of a bit more anime and stylised might be a good idea.
An amazing story with real characters and good dialog, supported by the visual art, will suspend disbelief and result in a great movie; it doesn't matter if it is in CG, live action or cel animation.
From what I've seen so far, it looks great! I am really hoping that you will stick to the original versions of the characters, though. The OAV version took away their looks *and* their personalities...and to me, that just isn't Gatchaman.
I saw the Imagi booth at the SD Comicon, and loved what I saw an the clips that were shown. Joe was easily recognizable (an dnice looking I might add *grin*), and Jun was, too, but with that barrette in the front of her hair, we thought she might still be a young child in that clip.
I am *dying* to see some renderings of the team...please post soon!
I'm not Sam--and I hope I don't offend by leaping in like this--but your question regarding what fans like and don't like in the '94 OAV Gatchaman caught my eye because I definitely have some suggestions. In the first place, while the OAV was a very "pretty" production, it took wide liberties with both the character designs and the characters themselves. Examples of unfortunate changes to the character designs: the faces looked nothing like the original characters, and the hair was atrocious. Their clothing was frankly bizarre. Ken's face looked like something on a department store mannequin. And for heaven's sake, who in their right mind would wear the bird's-head symbol on both chest and back? I mean, it says "Shoot me here!" to every goon in the building no matter where they're standing. Examples of the OAV's regrettable changes to the characters themselves would be Joe being portrayed as a grunting, constantly scowling thug, or Jun and her peekaboo swimsuit and Cutey Honey-like transmutation scene. These are not the characters from in the original series, they are strangers. The OAV Jun is portrayed as having the drives of a cat in heat. OAV Joe is so monofocused on his sad past that he can't even communicate; who would want him on their team? The other characters show a similar lack of depth. Yuck. Do I hate the OAVs? No, not at all. If I look at them as yet another rendition, another interpretation of the original material, then they can be enjoyed. However, again, these are NOT the characters that keep me in the fandom. They're caricatures, two-dimensional imitations of the originals, and not very good imitations at that. I have to be in the right mood to watch the OAVs and enjoy them, and if I'm in a "canon only" mood, then they annoy me. For a movie, I do not want to see yet another poor imitation. I want to see the real characters, behaving as themselves. That's the only thing that really matters, when you come down to it. The OAVs did some things very right. The Phoenix and (transmuted) G-2 designs are very nice; don't care for the G-1 or the G-4, and am neutral on the G-3. The stylized rendition of the mecha lends them fairly well to impressions of speed, power, all that good stuff. That said, nothing will ever beat the original G-1 jet for sheer coolness factor. ;) The soundtrack was also a good one, although I still prefer the original theme. And I will admit that for sheer visual impact, the hand-to-hand combat scenes were spectacular. NOT, might I add, because of blood or gore. Forget the blood and gore, it doesn't add a thing to a combat scene. They were spectacular because of the way the characters moved and swept and flipped all over the screen; most of the gymnastics were fairly believable. The moving characters had enough "weight" to convince the eye. These scenes were very well-done in both a technical manner and a dramatic manner; I can't fault them, and I enjoyed them. I don't know if this tells you anything that will truly be useful to you, but I hope that it does. I can't possibly emphasize enough that while liberties can be taken with the appearance of characters and mecha--within reason--it's crucial that the characters behave like they are the same people that we saw in the original Gatchaman series. It's the characters and storyline that really make the original series successful. Capturing those original personalities can be very difficult, as many fanfic writers will attest, and we all experience the temptation to slant a character in a direction that we want them to go. But that's fanfic; it's more forgivable in fanfic. A movie doesn't receive that same level of forgiveness. For a movie to capture the fandom's full support, it has to show the characters that we love, as themselves. And with a good storyline, please. :) My strongest recommendation is that the production crew go back to the original series and build things from there, because the original series is (generally) what created Gatchaman fans in the first place. It's the basic common denominator for the fandom. Using that as your source material will give you a much better chance at a movie that will be successful. Thank you for giving me a chance to say what was on my mind. :)
These look kickazz, but they also look an awful lot like the "previous concept art" in the link. Doesn't look like the art direction is all that different as you said above. Not that it's a bad thing, but doesn't look like it's changed from monroe's much.
I have to agree with everything that Heather said above-long-time fans still support the series because of the characters, and the OAV's were unrecognizable to the point of becoming stock generic anime mannequins that had very little resemblance to Gatchaman. I know that you will probably update the design to attract the newer anime fans that aren't familiar with the original, and that's understandable-but please keep in mind that some resemblance to the originals will attract not only the knowledgeable fanbase but also anyone who might be intrigued to see the new film because they recognize the series from their childhood. While I have the '94 OAV's, I only watched them once, whereas I can watch the original series over and over, even with its dated 70's era references and anime style. What would please me as a fan is to see recognizable characters (both visually and personality) merged with what animation is capable of today-the concept art/cg images look great as far as I can tell, but please give us the real Gatch or else the name is useless to you and you might as well just not bother using the name at all. ~en
I wouldn't mind seeing the classic Phoenix design in the movie, but yes, the characters have to be based on the source material! The 105 original episodes. I wouldn't mind a fashion update as far as the clothes go (numbered t-shirts ok, bellbottoms-not really) :) (I believe the OAVs went too far in this category).
The bottom line is, as a fan, I'm looking for Ken, Joe, Jun, Jinpei and Ryu - as the Ninja Tai. They need to be the real characters we know and love, working together as a team struggling through whatever they're doing.
And for goodness sake, can Joe *not* smoke! That was strictly OAV and that needs to go! (this is based on an earlier shot of the team on the street that is probably a year to year and a half old, so I don't know if Imagi still has it)
I didn't realize they were making this movie. I loved Battle of the Planets as a kid. Is it with real people and lots of CGI like this year's Speed Racer, or it is strictly CGI characters and whatnot?
Heather, Thank you for saying how many fans feel. My husband isn't a fan of the series, but he's seen original series with me and even he would feel ripped off if the characters were poorly presented, and looked like the OVA's. Base it from the original Gatchaman, not the OVA's.
A fashion update is OK, but to neglect characters for scenery is plain silly.
New fans will come from the movie but ultimately they will buy the 105 eps and say huh what tha? If you make them something totally different in character and appearance. We all want to see this movie become a success, and it will if you don't neglect the chemistry that made it popular to begin with.
Nice post, Heather! You said several things that were on my mind, but in a better way. To chime in on the designs themselves (since that is what you asked about):
OAV Likes: Phoenix design: Sleek and beautiful, but there was still a sense of power in the design. I thought it was a nice updated look.
Mecha designs: Heavyweight, a little strange, but still terrifying and destructive without being downright silly. Design-wise this will be a narrow line to walk.
Ryu design: although he's still a little too 'fat' for my tastes for someone who is supposed to be on a team like this, I think this was a step in the right direction.
Fight scenes: Like Heather said, it wasn't the gore (which I don't like) but the movements. The movements themselves differentiated between the goons and the team.
OAV Dislikes:
Porno-Jun: ARGH! The flashes, the zipper scene (who else thought of hair getting caught in that scene?), the sickening coyness, the blank vacant stares. Put this poor female out of her misery.
Ken: Lose the hair and get a personality. Once again this was a vacant face.
Joe: Get over yourself and be apart of the team. The constant grunting and scowling is a big turn-off. Lose the smoke, put on a shirt, and stop trying to stand out so much. Don't get me going on the whole idiotic good-guy-loner=must-smoke-to-prove-how-cool-he-is. Oh please! A ninja fighting is going to purposely do something to limit his lung capacity? Just how dedicated to winning this fight is he, anyway? This isn't about political correctness, this is about who he is as a person and the realities of the world he inhabits and must fight in. They are 5 against an army. Every little 'edge' helps in winning the battle. (oops, ranted anyway).
Dr. Nambu: The Elvis impersonator wanna-be. The guy just looks weird in the OAV's. Definitely not someone you would automatically give respect to when you walked into a room cold.
Birdstyles: Sleek design, and I liked the wings and helmets. But the flasher Jun model is horrible, the jumpsuit style looks odd (imagine getting out of it quick for a bathroom break???), and the emblem does not belong on the back of the wings.
With Jinpei, I'm ambivalent. Not bad, but not great.
As previously mentioned, for an updated look, start with the original Gatchaman and upgrade from there. Please do not us the OAV's as a general base to start from.
You know, quite honestly I don't care if they update the looks of the characters a little, just so they are IN CHARACTER! That means a team, working as a team despite their personalities quirks. These are young people who rely on each other in life and death situations. There is respect and friendship even though they might argue or disagree on some things. . I do not want to see 'bad boy Joe', porn-Jun and the like who have a personality as deep as a mud puddle. It was the character dynamics that made Gatchaman so popular, and have created a fanbase that has continued strong for over 30 years Respect the characters themselves and give them a great story to inhabit, and you will do well by both new and old fans. It's all about the characters and the story.
I'm sure I'll think of other things later, that this is what popped in my head. Take it for what it's worth. :)
I agree with the comments above, the film should be based on the original series. I haven't had the chance to see the OAVs until a while ago, since they haven't been published here in Spain. Despite I liked them (even the battlesuits, shame on me XD), the characters' personalities have been lost. I don't really care about Ken's hairstyle or Joe smoking, but stop that moaning and groaning and Jun acting like a #$%#.
Thanks Imagi and Felix for bringing Gatchaman back to our lives!!!
I'm pretty much in agreement with what others have said about the OAVs.The new look of the birdstyles and vehicles didn't bother me so much, but I felt that the characters were unrecognizable from the original.
I was at Comic Con in San Diego and saw the trailer and test footage. What I liked the most was that the guy in the car was Joe. We got one look at his face, and we knew it was Joe. It was that recognition factor that really excited me, and I started thinking that this was actually going to be a movie about characters I knew and loved.
A couple of pluses for the OAVs: I really liked the Jimmy character. I thought it made much more sense that he was a hacker/computer genius. Otherwise, why are they letting a little smart-mouthed kid onto the team? Also, as Heather said, I loved the fight scenes and the visual style.
When friends ask me about the OAVs, I often tell them that it's Gatchaman with the LOTR treatment: beautiful and stunning to watch, but the storyline is flat and the characters are just cardboard cutouts. There's no real depth there like we've come to associate with the Kagaku Ninja Tai.
I have no problem with flash and style. I love that! But I would also like to see the characters being people, and not stereotypes.
The new logo is BEAUTIFUL! I like also that the city scapes present a recognizable, not-too-distant future. I think one of the mistakes of both Gatchaman II and Fighter, apart from the sadly inferior art and mecha designs, was to make the Earth more technically outlandish. I love that the first series is supposed to take place in 2001 but, apart from the odd space-aged car or plane, we're basically in 1970's Tokyo. This not only grounded the character's believability, but also made Gallactor's incursions on the cities more terrifying as we didn't have the giant weapons to fight back with, only Gatchaman!
Blogger Heather really covered a lot of the faults (and good things) about the 1994 remake. A lot of the costume and mecha designs were beautiful (although Katse was a total MESS!) but the characters were just not there, from Ken's generic anime-clone look to the disrespectful fanboy portrayal of Jun, to the totally boring and heavy handed version of Joe as an amalgam of every bad boy you've ever seen on screen! It's like we were watching single-sentence descriptions of their characters rather than the characters we love.
Another problem the OAV faced was its decision to retell an entire two season's worth of a story arc in three short installments. Obviously they chose the meatiest story lines but lacked the time to let them develop so, again, we got the Cliff Notes version which is naturally less emotionally compelling.
Gatchaman falls into that great realm of the pitched Japanese duty-based drama. Fairly iconic characters put in extremely urgent situations. But, what made them so special was their vulnerabilities and the chemistry between them. Joe is a great example of a character that walks a fine line between fascinating and cliche. Anti-heroes were still sort of new in 1972 but these days we're drowning in them. I think Joe shines best in relation to Ken. If it's too much of Joe: the loose canon ninja vigilante, then you get the OAV version. If he's played against the obsessive and duty-bound Ken, he will always be the coolest man in the room. Less is more with him! Katse is also fascinating and a much more complex and tragic character than The Joker, for instance. The idea of a gender schizophrenic human, created by a computer, who is trying desperately to please it's master, while acting without conscience, and slowly going mad under the pressure, is incredible. Not to mention having the flair of all the best evil Disney queens and witches. To just play him as this fey evil caricature is a waste of his potential.
Speaking of flair and style, the creators at Tatsunoko had a wonderful gift for creating the coolest biomechanical inventions. There is a strong connection to nature in all their programs (even Speed Racer) and you really see it in their 70's creations. Both heroes and villains alike would pilot vehicles resembling birds, insects, crabs, etc. This has since been copied many times, but they always managed to combine it with their incredible signature style. Stylish, as well, were their many weird villain commanders of the week. I'm not sure if Yoshitaka Amano stayed with the series after designing the main characters, or if it was one of the Yoshida brothers at Tatsunoko who maintained the look of the show, but there was an absolute sense of style that stood apart from the many other Toei-style children's cartoons at the time. I realize that you are not creating a slavish copy but making your own, updated film. I also know you guys respect the original material. Hopefully we're through the worst of Hollywood buying up properties for the name-recognition alone, and then making something that bares no recognition to the original ("Lost In Space" comes to mind!). But I also think paying attention to ALL the details that made something special is important. Maybe not copying them, but at least considering what made the flavor of something so potent. I personally feel that even Tatsunoko lost it's way with Gatchaman, and have never really been able to recapture the magic of that first '72 to '74 series. So it's a tall order, but all the ingredients are still there! I can't wait to see what you create, and that logo's a GREAT start!
Those are some hot looking shots. I totally thought TMNT rocked, and I'm really looking forward to Gatchaman. What I loved about TMNT is what will make Gatchaman work.
1) recognizable characters (design) but not too realistic 2) depth of personality and interpersonal relationships. You know how they nailed the Leo/Raph relationship? You need to do that with Ken/Joe and the fans will love you for it. What do I mean by that? Check out the source material and you'll get it.
Jumping in late on what I specifically didn't like about the OAV character art...
Ken as the clean-cut kid and Joe as the world-weary cynical loner who loooks a decade older. I can buy either as characters. But I can't buy that Joe taking orders from that Ken - it completely lacks the dynamic that they have in the original. They have to come across as near-equals - and as team players.
Jun the hourglass bimbo. She's an athlete. Athletes don't have megaboobs and no butt, they have the sort of body shape that the original Jun has. Not much up top and some hips.
I know it's an archetype, but does Ryu have to look downright obese? To my mind linebacker or even defensive end would be so much more plausible. I do like the coloured hair surfer image though.
Jinpei I actually prefer visually in the OAV to the original.
And I've got to agree - flashy red car just isn't Joe. It's much more Ken's style.
Such sincerity and regard for the characters here. My quick thoughts because I love this cartoon.
Gatchaman should represent heroism and virtue as opposed to glorifying and encouraging negative and obnoxious modern stereotypes. Inside the phoenix is sacred and hallowed ground.
I would like to see Ken with his 70's length hair again. And he should retain his unpretentious and Apollo-like innocence. The oav, particularly the american dub, made him sound like a bloated Fred from scooby doo.
I agree about Joe. He was always a more serious kind of rebel. Well beyond the more common teenage angst. His voice should be reminiscently low and not too sarcastic.
For all of the derision about the oav Jun, even the original incarnation could and should still raise a fellas pulse now and then. Her original costume may be impractical, but it is near and dear to perfection.
Jinpei was always precocious and sometimes obnoxious. But he also spent alot of time with very good role models. He would differ from his schoolyard buddies in that he would have put away some of the more annoying childish attributes, and be more interested in trying to be like the "grown ups" around him.
One thing I really enjoyed about the oav was it's sense of scale. There was a genuine epic tone, which really enhanced the original shows established conflict. And for me, I think this was achieved at least in part, through the use of real geography mixed with massive set-pieces. There is something really cool about treating titanic airships and doomsday scenarios with a sort of matter-of-fact realism. If we are sold on the gravity of the villians threat, like I was with the oav, then the characters, in their original 70's persona incarnations will really shine and perhaps inspire. This is such a wonderful property, best of luck.
People have made fantastic points above about the OVA. The characters are the core of the appeal to Gatchaman, and the OVA seemed to forget any of them existed.
Remember that Ken isn't a boy scout. He's a complex, lonely character who likes to spend his time soaring alone high above the earth. He takes stupid risks during missions, clashes with Dr. Nambu, and yet above all has strict expectations of his subordinates not to do the same.
Remember that Joe ISN'T a crazy rebel. Joe's complexity is born of the fact that he's moody and angry and generally suffers from post-concussive syndrome, disaster follows him wherever he goes, and yet he's still fiercely loyal to Ken and the team and his mood swings tend to happen when he doesn't have to cover for Ken's sudden improvisations, which he backs Ken up on like a brother. It's far too easy to make Joe more over the top than he actually is, when what he is is far more subtle.
Jun is definitely a modern woman. She runs a bar, cares for a minor despite being a minor herself, and is the team's techie. Although somewhat stifled by 1970's Japanese convention in the original series, it's obvious that Jun is intended to be tough as nails and self-sufficient but still always, absolutely a lady.
Jinpei isn't your typical cute kid sidekick. He shows all the signs of having spent his life treated as a peer to girls and boys years older than him -- so even though he has childish moments, and is trying to enjoy his childhood around his job, he talks tough and acts a little over the top trying to keep the respect and admiration of (and on equal footing with) the rest of the ninja-tai.
Ryu is the only character that could use a bit of an update. A country bumpkin in the original series, bumbling and often left behind, Ryu's most fascinating aspects were having a family in a team full of orphans and the interesting relationship angles this creates in terms of his teammates treasuring that thing in him that they lack. Also, he's the pilot of the God Phoenix and you could say he has the closest relationship with that silent character. And yes, I think he should still have compassion, a big heart, but here's where the OVA did things right (the single place) -- Ryu is cheerful and kind, but he's just as deadly and active as the rest of the team instead of being treated as so backwater.
Please!! Think of the characters at every stage of the production. The movie means nothing if you don't get their characters and their amazing interplay and strong team bond from being raised as soldiers together right. @___@;;
Vivre en Angleterre, il est impossible d'obtenir des infos sur ce film, je vous remercie pour ce beau site! Les craintes que j'avais pour ce film (surtout après la débâcle de Transformers) ont été mis au lit. Imagi apparaissent aux soins sur les personnages, l'histoire montre & fans, ce qui est rare. Impossible d'attendre pour le film ... dommage qu'il ne sera pas montré sur le grand écran ici
Ce que j'ai aimé Gatchaman (après l'avoir visionné à nouveau ans plus tard), j'ai réalisé, c'est à quel point il était plus graveleux que d'autres spectacles. Ils doivent avoir couper beaucoup à montrer sur notre station de télévision locale ici en Afrique du Sud dans les années 80.
J'aime CG, mais si vous poussez la barre à haute vers le réalisme, les failles se faire remarquer beaucoup plus facile par le public, donc je pense que l'ajout d'un peu plus anime et stylisé peut-être une bonne idée.
Une incroyable histoire avec des personnages réels et bon dialogue, soutenu par l'art visuel, se suspendre l'incrédulité et le résultat dans un grand film, il n'a pas d'importance si elle est en CG, l'action en direct ou une animation sur cellulo.
Good stuff!!! I really enjoyed this site especially those images here that are posted. Thank you for the sharing to us even it is in the development stage as you state. Ulcer Medication
The Gatchaspartan, IMO, is a huge upgrade from the Chicken! I liked the idea of the Fencer ... what I really disagree with is the way in which the Fencer was handled as a last weapon! It's something that goes against all theories, that of someone (ie Ken) standing on a flying Gatchaspartan with so much ease against all forces in order to split a mecha in two! Why did he need to stand on top, and outside the aircraft? ... why couldn't they have attributed the power of the hypershoot just to the G1 vehicle, as a whole, which could have detached itself from the rest of the Gatchaspartan if they really wanted Ken to undergo all that he had in fact undergone? I think this would have been more plausable as a weapon!
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Would not be written any better. Looking over this post reminds me of my old room mate! He always kept talking about this. I am going to forward this post to him. Sure he’ll have a very good read. Thank you for sharing!
Looks great. Is this film still on tap for a 2009 release, or will we have to wait until 2010?
Finally some Pics to show...Geez...and these look really nice by the way...Thank you thank you thank you
Was the art direction and look of the film created by Kevin Monroe, and is Imagi still using the same character models he showed off in the interview at
the art direction and look is different from before, we push that more anime and stylize rather than photo realistic.
looks great! Well done to one and all at Imagi, sir!
...can't wait for more! Gatchaman is gonna be rawking 2009 for sure! (of coz im biased as Im a fan hehehe) ... am so "stealing" your pictures .... :p
hi Andy, welcome to use the pictures, I would like to share with more friends. BTW, Gatchaman will not come in 2009...
Dear Felix:
My name is Kena. I comes from Taiwan, and I 'm Gatchaman fans just like the other in the world.
I also made a Gatchaman Website with Chinese . I saw your new share about CG Gatchaman Images in your blog. It's so amazing and wonderful. Now I'll ask a permission if you'll give me the permission to post these pictures , translation your contents and link in Chinese?
I just send a letter to you.Please contact me if you can. Many thanks.
Kena 敬上
PS:Well,I just wonder what do you mean that Gatchaman will not come in 2009...?
........Gatachman is the original title so STFU unless you say GATCHMAN!!!
Dare da, dare da, dare da
Sora no kanata ni odoru kage
Shiroi tsubasa no Gatchaman
Inochi wo kakete tobidaseba
Kagaku Nimpo Hinotori da
Tobe! Tobe, tobe, Gatchaman
Yuke! Yuke, yuke, Gatchaman
Chikyuu wa hitotsu, chikyuu wa hitotsu
Oh, Gatchaman, Gatchaman
Dare da, dare da, dare da
Umi no jigoku ni hisomu kage
Tsuyoi yuuki no Gatchaman
Arashi wo saite kumo kireba
Kagaku Nimpo Hinotori da
Dare da, dare da, dare da
Biru no tanima ni shinobu kage
Akai chishio no Gatchaman
Yuuhi wo abite kakedaseba
Kagaku Nimpo Hinotori da
hi felix,
nice preview pixs~~!! worldwide gatchaman fans awaiting for your company's animation movie and toys...hahaha I am sure it will be a great success and much anticipation (i know i am :P cos i am a huge fan as well)
I am in my 30's and watched the Gatchaman series on Amerikan television in the form of 'G-FORCE' or 'Battle of the Planets'. I got into GATCHAMAN in my teens.
Can't wait for this movie. Hopefully its an all Asian cast. I hate when they place a white kid (Like Goku in DragonBall) in an Asian setting. It just doen't feel right and a little self-loathing if you ask me.
Thanks for the pics, Felix.
Whoever doesn't like what I said, too bad!
to Godwell,
Goku wasn't Asian, just because he and the rest of the cast of Dragon Ball were drawn by an Asian doesn't necessarily mean the characters have to be Asian. Todd McFarlane is white and Spawn is black...go figure.
Looks like a strip mall.
to Felix L. ricardo- Todd McFarlane is a creator which has nothing to do with a character in his story. he created Spawn as a black character....However, if a white guy played Spawn in the movie it would have been totally hollywood...
Honestly, Although Goku in the series doesn't look Japanese (due to the anime nature) I guarentee the creator wouldn't mind seeing a Japanese person play Goku.
Its just alway a White Guy as the hero. and No matter how you spin it.. with a couple asians, black, hispanics, mexicans, the White Guy 8 out of 10 times will be the hero. Thats all Godwell is saying
Living in England, it's impossible to get any info on this film, so thank you for this fine site! Any fears I had for this film (especially after the debacle of Transformers) have been put to bed. Imagi appear to care about the characters, the shows history & fans, which is rare. Can't wait for the film...shame it won't be showed on the big screen over here
it will be an all-white cast cause it's being produced by americans. hollywood is white, it will and will always be.
look at speed racer, they made speed white, the movie bombed. they're doing the same with dragonball, they made goku white. so it will bomb.
bruce lee rules!!!
I really hope this comes together well. I'm a big fan of tatsunoko characters and hope the character designs are as cool as the original.
we go .... yet ..... Film-copy speed racer ... like 300, the spirit, sin city ...
is not as original this Story....
i'm sorry for my writing...
i'm italian
Chief Anderson says Imagi appears to care about the characters and his fears can be put to bed because of these images.
These images don't show that Imagi cares *anything* about the characters.
There are *no* pictures here of what the characters look like.
This looks like it will be another flashy but soulless CG movie with big effects and zero character.
It seems like Imagi has been struggling with this story for years. Not a good sign...
those images look awesome!!
any wip images of astroboy?
Hi, Felix!
These images look great so far. I only have one question...Joe's original car was blue. Aren't you going to keep the color? It seems wrong to see a red car as the G2...
Looking forward to seeing the character designs. Hoping they'll be much closer to the original than were those awful Gatch 94 redesigns, with biker Joe and lost-my-way-to-the-boy-band-rehearsal Ken...
:-) Sam
Hi Sam, this muscle car is just a generic muscle car we graped in the story, not his own "hero" one.
Tell me more about what u like and don't like in 94 version redesign.
What I liked about Gatchaman (after watching it again years later) I realised, is how much more grittier it was than other shows. They must have cut it a lot to show on our local TV station here in South Africa in the 80's.
I love CG, but if you push the bar to high towards realism, flaws get noticed much easier by audiences, so I think the adding of a bit more anime and stylised might be a good idea.
An amazing story with real characters and good dialog, supported by the visual art, will suspend disbelief and result in a great movie; it doesn't matter if it is in CG, live action or cel animation.
Lovely screens by the way.
Excellent Smithers...anyone remember when the were called "G-Force"?
it's great to see the style of G-man is more than just photorealistic one, but look more like comics or artistic style!
i'm looking forward to the release day of this animation
Is there any chance of seeing the rejected character models? Monroe said they wouldn't be photo realistic yet not too cartoonish.
From what I've seen so far, it looks great! I am really hoping that you will stick to the original versions of the characters, though. The OAV version took away their looks *and* their personalities...and to me, that just isn't Gatchaman.
I saw the Imagi booth at the SD Comicon, and loved what I saw an the clips that were shown. Joe was easily recognizable (an dnice looking I might add *grin*), and Jun was, too, but with that barrette in the front of her hair, we thought she might still be a young child in that clip.
I am *dying* to see some renderings of the team...please post soon!
I'm not Sam--and I hope I don't offend by leaping in like this--but your question regarding what fans like and don't like in the '94 OAV Gatchaman caught my eye because I definitely have some suggestions. In the first place, while the OAV was a very "pretty" production, it took wide liberties with both the character designs and the characters themselves. Examples of unfortunate changes to the character designs: the faces looked nothing like the original characters, and the hair was atrocious. Their clothing was frankly bizarre. Ken's face looked like something on a department store mannequin. And for heaven's sake, who in their right mind would wear the bird's-head symbol on both chest and back? I mean, it says "Shoot me here!" to every goon in the building no matter where they're standing. Examples of the OAV's regrettable changes to the characters themselves would be Joe being portrayed as a grunting, constantly scowling thug, or Jun and her peekaboo swimsuit and Cutey Honey-like transmutation scene. These are not the characters from in the original series, they are strangers. The OAV Jun is portrayed as having the drives of a cat in heat. OAV Joe is so monofocused on his sad past that he can't even communicate; who would want him on their team? The other characters show a similar lack of depth. Yuck.
Do I hate the OAVs? No, not at all. If I look at them as yet another rendition, another interpretation of the original material, then they can be enjoyed. However, again, these are NOT the characters that keep me in the fandom. They're caricatures, two-dimensional imitations of the originals, and not very good imitations at that. I have to be in the right mood to watch the OAVs and enjoy them, and if I'm in a "canon only" mood, then they annoy me. For a movie, I do not want to see yet another poor imitation. I want to see the real characters, behaving as themselves. That's the only thing that really matters, when you come down to it.
The OAVs did some things very right. The Phoenix and (transmuted) G-2 designs are very nice; don't care for the G-1 or the G-4, and am neutral on the G-3. The stylized rendition of the mecha lends them fairly well to impressions of speed, power, all that good stuff. That said, nothing will ever beat the original G-1 jet for sheer coolness factor. ;) The soundtrack was also a good one, although I still prefer the original theme. And I will admit that for sheer visual impact, the hand-to-hand combat scenes were spectacular. NOT, might I add, because of blood or gore. Forget the blood and gore, it doesn't add a thing to a combat scene. They were spectacular because of the way the characters moved and swept and flipped all over the screen; most of the gymnastics were fairly believable. The moving characters had enough "weight" to convince the eye. These scenes were very well-done in both a technical manner and a dramatic manner; I can't fault them, and I enjoyed them.
I don't know if this tells you anything that will truly be useful to you, but I hope that it does. I can't possibly emphasize enough that while liberties can be taken with the appearance of characters and mecha--within reason--it's crucial that the characters behave like they are the same people that we saw in the original Gatchaman series. It's the characters and storyline that really make the original series successful. Capturing those original personalities can be very difficult, as many fanfic writers will attest, and we all experience the temptation to slant a character in a direction that we want them to go. But that's fanfic; it's more forgivable in fanfic. A movie doesn't receive that same level of forgiveness. For a movie to capture the fandom's full support, it has to show the characters that we love, as themselves. And with a good storyline, please. :)
My strongest recommendation is that the production crew go back to the original series and build things from there, because the original series is (generally) what created Gatchaman fans in the first place. It's the basic common denominator for the fandom. Using that as your source material will give you a much better chance at a movie that will be successful.
Thank you for giving me a chance to say what was on my mind. :)
These look kickazz, but they also look an awful lot like the "previous concept art" in the link. Doesn't look like the art direction is all that different as you said above. Not that it's a bad thing, but doesn't look like it's changed from monroe's much.
I have to agree with everything that Heather said above-long-time fans still support the series because of the characters, and the OAV's were unrecognizable to the point of becoming stock generic anime mannequins that had very little resemblance to Gatchaman. I know that you will probably update the design to attract the newer anime fans that aren't familiar with the original, and that's understandable-but please keep in mind that some resemblance to the originals will attract not only the knowledgeable fanbase but also anyone who might be intrigued to see the new film because they recognize the series from their childhood. While I have the '94 OAV's, I only watched them once, whereas I can watch the original series over and over, even with its dated 70's era references and anime style. What would please me as a fan is to see recognizable characters (both visually and personality) merged with what animation is capable of today-the concept art/cg images look great as far as I can tell, but please give us the real Gatch or else the name is useless to you and you might as well just not bother using the name at all.
Wow Heather! What you said is fantastic!
I wouldn't mind seeing the classic Phoenix design in the movie, but yes, the characters have to be based on the source material! The 105 original episodes. I wouldn't mind a fashion update as far as the clothes go (numbered t-shirts ok, bellbottoms-not really) :) (I believe the OAVs went too far in this category).
The bottom line is, as a fan, I'm looking for Ken, Joe, Jun, Jinpei and Ryu - as the Ninja Tai. They need to be the real characters we know and love, working together as a team struggling through whatever they're doing.
And for goodness sake, can Joe *not* smoke! That was strictly OAV and that needs to go! (this is based on an earlier shot of the team on the street that is probably a year to year and a half old, so I don't know if Imagi still has it)
Thanks for hearing us out Felix!
I didn't realize they were making this movie. I loved Battle of the Planets as a kid. Is it with real people and lots of CGI like this year's Speed Racer, or it is strictly CGI characters and whatnot?
Heather, Thank you for saying how many fans feel. My husband isn't a fan of the series, but he's seen original series with me and even he would feel ripped off if the characters were poorly presented, and looked like the OVA's. Base it from the original Gatchaman, not the OVA's.
A fashion update is OK, but to neglect characters for scenery is plain silly.
New fans will come from the movie but ultimately they will buy the 105 eps and say huh what tha? If you make them something totally different in character and appearance.
We all want to see this movie become a success, and it will if you don't neglect the chemistry that made it popular to begin with.
Ebonyswanne...The last post is from me. For some reason it posted anonymous...
Nice post, Heather! You said several things that were on my mind, but in a better way. To chime in on the designs themselves (since that is what you asked about):
OAV Likes:
Phoenix design: Sleek and beautiful, but there was still a sense of power in the design. I thought it was a nice updated look.
Mecha designs: Heavyweight, a little strange, but still terrifying and destructive without being downright silly. Design-wise this will be a narrow line to walk.
Ryu design: although he's still a little too 'fat' for my tastes for someone who is supposed to be on a team like this, I think this was a step in the right direction.
Fight scenes: Like Heather said, it wasn't the gore (which I don't like) but the movements. The movements themselves differentiated between the goons and the team.
OAV Dislikes:
Porno-Jun: ARGH! The flashes, the zipper scene (who else thought of hair getting caught in that scene?), the sickening coyness, the blank vacant stares. Put this poor female out of her misery.
Ken: Lose the hair and get a personality. Once again this was a vacant face.
Joe: Get over yourself and be apart of the team. The constant grunting and scowling is a big turn-off. Lose the smoke, put on a shirt, and stop trying to stand out so much. Don't get me going on the whole idiotic good-guy-loner=must-smoke-to-prove-how-cool-he-is. Oh please! A ninja fighting is going to purposely do something to limit his lung capacity? Just how dedicated to winning this fight is he, anyway? This isn't about political correctness, this is about who he is as a person and the realities of the world he inhabits and must fight in. They are 5 against an army. Every little 'edge' helps in winning the battle. (oops, ranted anyway).
Dr. Nambu: The Elvis impersonator wanna-be. The guy just looks weird in the OAV's. Definitely not someone you would automatically give respect to when you walked into a room cold.
Birdstyles: Sleek design, and I liked the wings and helmets. But the flasher Jun model is horrible, the jumpsuit style looks odd (imagine getting out of it quick for a bathroom break???), and the emblem does not belong on the back of the wings.
With Jinpei, I'm ambivalent. Not bad, but not great.
As previously mentioned, for an updated look, start with the original Gatchaman and upgrade from there. Please do not us the OAV's as a general base to start from.
You know, quite honestly I don't care if they update the looks of the characters a little, just so they are IN CHARACTER! That means a team, working as a team despite their personalities quirks. These are young people who rely on each other in life and death situations. There is respect and friendship even though they might argue or disagree on some things. . I do not want to see 'bad boy Joe', porn-Jun and the like who have a personality as deep as a mud puddle. It was the character dynamics that made Gatchaman so popular, and have created a fanbase that has continued strong for over 30 years Respect the characters themselves and give them a great story to inhabit, and you will do well by both new and old fans. It's all about the characters and the story.
I'm sure I'll think of other things later, that this is what popped in my head. Take it for what it's worth. :)
woh~it really look like concept art~,the art direction is so cool~cant wait to see!!!
I agree with the comments above, the film should be based on the original series. I haven't had the chance to see the OAVs until a while ago, since they haven't been published here in Spain. Despite I liked them (even the battlesuits, shame on me XD), the characters' personalities have been lost. I don't really care about Ken's hairstyle or Joe smoking, but stop that moaning and groaning and Jun acting like a #$%#.
Thanks Imagi and Felix for bringing Gatchaman back to our lives!!!
I'm pretty much in agreement with what others have said about the OAVs.The new look of the birdstyles and vehicles didn't bother me so much, but I felt that the characters were unrecognizable from the original.
I was at Comic Con in San Diego and saw the trailer and test footage. What I liked the most was that the guy in the car was Joe. We got one look at his face, and we knew it was Joe. It was that recognition factor that really excited me, and I started thinking that this was actually going to be a movie about characters I knew and loved.
A couple of pluses for the OAVs: I really liked the Jimmy character. I thought it made much more sense that he was a hacker/computer genius. Otherwise, why are they letting a little smart-mouthed kid onto the team? Also, as Heather said, I loved the fight scenes and the visual style.
When friends ask me about the OAVs, I often tell them that it's Gatchaman with the LOTR treatment: beautiful and stunning to watch, but the storyline is flat and the characters are just cardboard cutouts. There's no real depth there like we've come to associate with the Kagaku Ninja Tai.
I have no problem with flash and style. I love that! But I would also like to see the characters being people, and not stereotypes.
Okay, enough opinion from me for now.... ;)
The new logo is BEAUTIFUL! I like also that the city scapes present a recognizable, not-too-distant future. I think one of the mistakes of both Gatchaman II and Fighter, apart from the sadly inferior art and mecha designs, was to make the Earth more technically outlandish. I love that the first series is supposed to take place in 2001 but, apart from the odd space-aged car or plane, we're basically in 1970's Tokyo. This not only grounded the character's believability, but also made Gallactor's incursions on the cities more terrifying as we didn't have the giant weapons to fight back with, only Gatchaman!
Blogger Heather really covered a lot of the faults (and good things) about the 1994 remake. A lot of the costume and mecha designs were beautiful (although Katse was a total MESS!) but the characters were just not there, from Ken's generic anime-clone look to the disrespectful fanboy portrayal of Jun, to the totally boring and heavy handed version of Joe as an amalgam of every bad boy you've ever seen on screen! It's like we were watching single-sentence descriptions of their characters rather than the characters we love.
Another problem the OAV faced was its decision to retell an entire two season's worth of a story arc in three short installments. Obviously they chose the meatiest story lines but lacked the time to let them develop so, again, we got the Cliff Notes version which is naturally less emotionally compelling.
Gatchaman falls into that great realm of the pitched Japanese duty-based drama. Fairly iconic characters put in extremely urgent situations. But, what made them so special was their vulnerabilities and the chemistry between them. Joe is a great example of a character that walks a fine line between fascinating and cliche. Anti-heroes were still sort of new in 1972 but these days we're drowning in them. I think Joe shines best in relation to Ken. If it's too much of Joe: the loose canon ninja vigilante, then you get the OAV version. If he's played against the obsessive and duty-bound Ken, he will always be the coolest man in the room. Less is more with him! Katse is also fascinating and a much more complex and tragic character than The Joker, for instance. The idea of a gender schizophrenic human, created by a computer, who is trying desperately to please it's master, while acting without conscience, and slowly going mad under the pressure, is incredible. Not to mention having the flair of all the best evil Disney queens and witches. To just play him as this fey evil caricature is a waste of his potential.
Speaking of flair and style, the creators at Tatsunoko had a wonderful gift for creating the coolest biomechanical inventions. There is a strong connection to nature in all their programs (even Speed Racer) and you really see it in their 70's creations. Both heroes and villains alike would pilot vehicles resembling birds, insects, crabs, etc. This has since been copied many times, but they always managed to combine it with their incredible signature style. Stylish, as well, were their many weird villain commanders of the week. I'm not sure if Yoshitaka Amano stayed with the series after designing the main characters, or if it was one of the Yoshida brothers at Tatsunoko who maintained the look of the show, but there was an absolute sense of style that stood apart from the many other Toei-style children's cartoons at the time. I realize that you are not creating a slavish copy but making your own, updated film. I also know you guys respect the original material. Hopefully we're through the worst of Hollywood buying up properties for the name-recognition alone, and then making something that bares no recognition to the original ("Lost In Space" comes to mind!). But I also think paying attention to ALL the details that made something special is important. Maybe not copying them, but at least considering what made the flavor of something so potent. I personally feel that even Tatsunoko lost it's way with Gatchaman, and have never really been able to recapture the magic of that first '72 to '74 series. So it's a tall order, but all the ingredients are still there! I can't wait to see what you create, and that logo's a GREAT start!
To jolar70 - way to go!
Like Heather, you've hit the nail on the head. As a fan, I'm not expecting an exact copy (bo-ring!) but rather what Imagi can do with this property.
Now I'm getting excited!!
Those are some hot looking shots. I totally thought TMNT rocked, and I'm really looking forward to Gatchaman.
What I loved about TMNT is what will make Gatchaman work.
1) recognizable characters (design) but not too realistic
2) depth of personality and interpersonal relationships. You know how they nailed the Leo/Raph relationship? You need to do that with Ken/Joe and the fans will love you for it. What do I mean by that? Check out the source material and you'll get it.
Man I can't wait! Hurry up and draw already!
Jumping in late on what I specifically didn't like about the OAV character art...
Ken as the clean-cut kid and Joe as the world-weary cynical loner who loooks a decade older. I can buy either as characters. But I can't buy that Joe taking orders from that Ken - it completely lacks the dynamic that they have in the original. They have to come across as near-equals - and as team players.
Jun the hourglass bimbo. She's an athlete. Athletes don't have megaboobs and no butt, they have the sort of body shape that the original Jun has. Not much up top and some hips.
I know it's an archetype, but does Ryu have to look downright obese? To my mind linebacker or even defensive end would be so much more plausible. I do like the coloured hair surfer image though.
Jinpei I actually prefer visually in the OAV to the original.
And I've got to agree - flashy red car just isn't Joe. It's much more Ken's style.
Such sincerity and regard for the characters here. My quick thoughts because I love this cartoon.
Gatchaman should represent heroism and virtue as opposed to glorifying and encouraging negative and obnoxious modern stereotypes. Inside the phoenix is sacred and hallowed ground.
I would like to see Ken with his 70's length hair again. And he should retain his unpretentious and Apollo-like innocence. The oav, particularly the american dub, made him sound like a bloated Fred from scooby doo.
I agree about Joe. He was always a more serious kind of rebel. Well beyond the more common teenage angst. His voice should be reminiscently low and not too sarcastic.
For all of the derision about the oav Jun, even the original incarnation could and should still raise a fellas pulse now and then. Her original costume may be impractical, but it is near and dear to perfection.
Jinpei was always precocious and sometimes obnoxious. But he also spent alot of time with very good role models. He would differ from his schoolyard buddies in that he would have put away some of the more annoying childish attributes, and be more interested in trying to be like the "grown ups" around him.
One thing I really enjoyed about the oav was it's sense of scale. There was a genuine epic tone, which really enhanced the original shows established conflict. And for me, I think this was achieved at least in part, through the use of real geography mixed with massive set-pieces. There is something really cool about treating titanic airships and doomsday scenarios with a sort of matter-of-fact realism. If we are sold on the gravity of the villians threat, like I was with the oav, then the characters, in their original 70's persona incarnations will really shine and perhaps inspire. This is such a wonderful property, best of luck.
People have made fantastic points above about the OVA. The characters are the core of the appeal to Gatchaman, and the OVA seemed to forget any of them existed.
Remember that Ken isn't a boy scout. He's a complex, lonely character who likes to spend his time soaring alone high above the earth. He takes stupid risks during missions, clashes with Dr. Nambu, and yet above all has strict expectations of his subordinates not to do the same.
Remember that Joe ISN'T a crazy rebel. Joe's complexity is born of the fact that he's moody and angry and generally suffers from post-concussive syndrome, disaster follows him wherever he goes, and yet he's still fiercely loyal to Ken and the team and his mood swings tend to happen when he doesn't have to cover for Ken's sudden improvisations, which he backs Ken up on like a brother. It's far too easy to make Joe more over the top than he actually is, when what he is is far more subtle.
Jun is definitely a modern woman. She runs a bar, cares for a minor despite being a minor herself, and is the team's techie. Although somewhat stifled by 1970's Japanese convention in the original series, it's obvious that Jun is intended to be tough as nails and self-sufficient but still always, absolutely a lady.
Jinpei isn't your typical cute kid sidekick. He shows all the signs of having spent his life treated as a peer to girls and boys years older than him -- so even though he has childish moments, and is trying to enjoy his childhood around his job, he talks tough and acts a little over the top trying to keep the respect and admiration of (and on equal footing with) the rest of the ninja-tai.
Ryu is the only character that could use a bit of an update. A country bumpkin in the original series, bumbling and often left behind, Ryu's most fascinating aspects were having a family in a team full of orphans and the interesting relationship angles this creates in terms of his teammates treasuring that thing in him that they lack. Also, he's the pilot of the God Phoenix and you could say he has the closest relationship with that silent character. And yes, I think he should still have compassion, a big heart, but here's where the OVA did things right (the single place) -- Ryu is cheerful and kind, but he's just as deadly and active as the rest of the team instead of being treated as so backwater.
Please!! Think of the characters at every stage of the production. The movie means nothing if you don't get their characters and their amazing interplay and strong team bond from being raised as soldiers together right. @___@;;
Great picture. Absolutely love the second one but not too crazy about the logo.
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Vivre en Angleterre, il est impossible d'obtenir des infos sur ce film, je vous remercie pour ce beau site! Les craintes que j'avais pour ce film (surtout après la débâcle de Transformers) ont été mis au lit. Imagi apparaissent aux soins sur les personnages, l'histoire montre & fans, ce qui est rare. Impossible d'attendre pour le film ... dommage qu'il ne sera pas montré sur le grand écran ici
la direction artistique et regard est différent du précédent, on pousse plus que l'anime et styliser plutôt que photo réaliste.
Great share thanks!
Thank YOU for sharing your comments and insights. I really appreciate it! Amazing art on your site!
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The new gatchaman logo is geat. Much better than the old one.
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Ce que j'ai aimé Gatchaman (après l'avoir visionné à nouveau ans plus tard), j'ai réalisé, c'est à quel point il était plus graveleux que d'autres spectacles. Ils doivent avoir couper beaucoup à montrer sur notre station de télévision locale ici en Afrique du Sud dans les années 80.
J'aime CG, mais si vous poussez la barre à haute vers le réalisme, les failles se faire remarquer beaucoup plus facile par le public, donc je pense que l'ajout d'un peu plus anime et stylisé peut-être une bonne idée.
Une incroyable histoire avec des personnages réels et bon dialogue, soutenu par l'art visuel, se suspendre l'incrédulité et le résultat dans un grand film, il n'a pas d'importance si elle est en CG, l'action en direct ou une animation sur cellulo.
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The Gatchaspartan, IMO, is a huge upgrade from the Chicken! I liked the idea of the Fencer ... what I really disagree with is the way in which the Fencer was handled as a last weapon! It's something that goes against all theories, that of someone (ie Ken) standing on a flying Gatchaspartan with so much ease against all forces in order to split a mecha in two! Why did he need to stand on top, and outside the aircraft? ... why couldn't they have attributed the power of the hypershoot just to the G1 vehicle, as a whole, which could have detached itself from the rest of the Gatchaspartan if they really wanted Ken to undergo all that he had in fact undergone? I think this would have been more plausable as a weapon!
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