Monday, July 30, 2007
的確相當有香港特色的 >> 一個純商業化的Show︰大量唔關事的東西.....
表演唱歌跳舞遊戲、信用卡推銷、炒賣散貨中心、專業拍賣者補貨處 、係又Cosplay唔係又Cosplay,四處都是團團小圈,看真原來是狗公攝影會,支支大炮瞄準Cosplay少女的重要部份...
而真正動漫的成份又少的可憐。那個 Art Idol倒令我有半滴興奮(其實與落描道場差無幾).
沒有太多關於香港動漫的東西,動漫的推動?想找點有關重一點"動漫文化"的東西嗎?新的創作嗎?通通欠奉。也許只是我個人的問題,我這年紀跟本就不是大會的Target Audience。對唔住,錯的在我對今次熱烈宣傳的"香港動漫節"有所期望。
是"香港待慢節"至真......唉! 去完之後我真的對香港動漫充滿哂希望。
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Fwd: Animation takes off in Hong Kong
Hong Kong company Centro Digital Pictures also has been chosen to make Disney's first-ever non-Hollywood Chinese movie, "The Magic Gourd," which mixes animation and live action.
Amid dwindling interest in Hong Kong film, is computer animation the future of the Hong Kong entertainment industry?
Animators here boast that they offer a unique sensibility that combines Hong Kong's action cinema legacy and a deep awareness of both Asian and Western cartoon traditions in an English-speaking environment.
Industry experts say, however, that Hong Kong animators are merely taking outsourcing jobs from Hollywood by offering cheaper pricing while not generating creative ideas on their own - a point that people here concede is true, at least for now. (這一點大家同意嗎?)
At Imagi, which designed the turtle fighters in TMNT, Co-Chief Executive Douglas Glen is gung-ho about the prospects of a company that once made artificial Christmas trees and furniture and switched over to animation completely in 2002.
The former Mattel executive said computer artists in this Chinese-ruled former British colony blend the best of the East and the West.
"If our director says, 'I want this character in this film to react like Wilma Flintstone to this situation,' they get it, because people here have seen The Flintstones and they've seen all the Japanese anime," he said.
Glen said for TMNT - a take-off on the 1990's Teen-age Mutant Ninja Turtle films - Imagi didn't even hire an action choreographer because kung fu is "in the DNA" of its 350 Hong Kong-based animators.
During a visit to Imagi's Hong Kong offices, animators worked on computer drawings in cubicles cluttered with figurines including Mr Potato Head and the popular Japanese character Doraemon. Neighbouring shelves were lined with Japanese comic books.
But while Hong Kong's computer graphics industry dates back some two decades, it's still growing. A survey of 57 "digital entertainment companies" in 2004 - the most recent study of its kind - found that most employed fewer than 10 people and about a third had annual revenues of under $HK500,000.
"Hollywood's interest in Hong Kong animation is mostly financial," says Tom McLean, a US-based journalist who writes a blog on cartoons for the Hollywood trade magazine Variety.
original article:, Animation Guild reach deal
Original post by Newsvine - film
Friday, July 27, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
《真三一萬能俠》是最喜歡的機械人動畫之首。本身天馬行空的三機合體概念加上導演Yasuhiro Imagawa,及水木一郎的主題曲...
三個字來形容 "豪、狠、勁"
Getter Robo Armageddon (Japanese title 真(チェンジ!!)ゲッターロボ 世界最後の日, Shin (Change!) Getta Robo "Sekai Saigo no Hi")
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Gatchaman The Stop Motion
That's really fun! This is the power of Gatchaman fans. It refines me one silly TV programe called something like "robot chicken"...
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Top Ten Favorite CG Characters

美國網站好流行各式各樣的選舉,今次是由Entertainment Weekly選出的十大最受歡迎電影CG人物。看看以下結果是否你的心水?
01. King Kong, King Kong (2007)
02. Davy Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
03. Gollum, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
04. Bumblebee, Transformers (2007)
05. Yoda, Attack of the Clones (2002); Revenge of the Sith (2005)
06. T-1000, Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
07. Woody and Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story (1995)
08. Sandman, Spider-Man 3 (2007)
09. T-Rex, Jurassic Park (1993)
10. Casper the Friendly Ghost, Casper (1995)
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Ben Procter

Ben Procter,電影 Transformers 的 Lead Robot Illustrator,他的網站有大量Transformers的作品。製作TMNT時曾經和他合作一段短時間,善長以3D軟件 (XSI) 直接"創作與設計",超快靚正。TMNT中富豪Winter的豪宅基地便是他的設計。
我隊中的Spencer與 Sang也是這方面的取向,希望他們以超越Ben為目標,期待將來有更出色的成績。努力 ! 努力 !
Ben Procter website
Ben's Bios
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Gatchaman Kewpie Dolls

Kewpie dolls are popular in Japan. The Rose O'Neill Kewpie International Co.,Ltd. is still pumping them out, and does character licenses. They are doing a bunch of Tatsunoko characters. The picture above is Gatchaman. Each is around 33mm tall and will retail for 525¥. Release date TBD.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
3D 動畫電影製作淺談 <1>
● 創作 Creative
● 製作管理 Production Management
● 技術開發及支援 Technical Support, R&D
常言道:Creative drive Technology,Technology push Creative
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

舊同事、朋友兼同業、C記的Art Director、自稱"ACG老頑童"的細尖,"撚"得一手好畫。在他的blog裡有很多ACG人物作品。以上是他畫的"吉炸蜢"。有空不妨看看。有我喜的”変...身Hero”畫作
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Die Hard 4.0

故事簡單但緊湊,不花巧,做的就是要把Die Hard拍得最Die Hard的動作片,很成功!! 娛樂性一流!!
最好看是John McClane只是普通的警察,不是什麼超人,只是以死硬不服輸的毅力去kickthe bug's ass! 那種不要命的拼搏最吸引。
也很喜歡"Hackers could end the world"的橋段,還有戰機 F-22,很誇張,但很好看!
"...I don't want to be "that Guy", I rather let someone do that...but if no one do that, i will do that."...that makes me become that guy, the hero.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
這就是日本人的創意 !

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
肉人28 !?

另一幅有關鐡人28的畫作: Transformer T28
之前貼過相近的機械人變肥佬 : Getta-man03