香港獨立動画創作人參加了一個在日本TBS電視台舉辦,全亞洲最大的 video 比賽''digicon6 video festival 2008'',擊敗多個亞洲城市的代表,勇奪大獎,為香港創意工業增光!以下是兩個香港得獎單位的動画短片 :
2 等獎-"我阿媽係外星人"
1 等獎-"動畫鏗鏘集-隱蔽老人"
推動香港的創意工業,香港政府一 直"得把口",甚麼也沒有做過... 對於今香港創意工業增光,香港政府不但不支持還大潑冷水....
絕望的香港創作人(林祥焜 )
Imagi, which temporarily suspended "Astro Boy" production last month, said late Tuesday that the funding means it will also continue active development of the "Gatchaman" and "Tusker" projects.
The company's U.S. prexy, Erin Corbett, told Daily Variety that the company's has already called back all but 23 of its staffers to complete "Astro Boy." About 100 of Imagi's 120 staffers - most of them in Sherman Oaks -- were furloughed last month.
"We are thrilled by the incredible response to 'Astro Boy's' early film footage and stills," Corbett said.
The financing plan for Hong Kong-based Imagi includes raising operating capital both from new investors and from existing shareholders.
Imagi also disclosed that Francis Kao has resigned as chairman to devote more time to his role as chief creative officer. Kao's being succeeded by Richard Witts, who has over 35 years of experience in Asia including management posts with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Schroder Securities, United Mok Ying Kie and CLSA.
full article:, announcement from imagi
Written by Scott Tipton, art by Diego Jourdan, covers by Jourdan and Ashley Wood.
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