Friday, July 31, 2009
IRON MAN Anime Teaser
This is very cool!! The quality is very high because it was produced by my one of favorite Anime Studio: MADHOUSE. you can see all the animation production that Madhouse involved here
Thursday, July 30, 2009
New AstroBoy Stills

Making of Astro

Flying around at Metrocity

Peace Keeper test

Peace Keeper grapping the Blue Core

Red Core is equipped, first look of Present Stone

Dr.Elefun and Dr.Tenma
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Comic-Con 2009: Astro Boy
There are few more ComicCon interviews, check the Astroboy world
Saturday, July 25, 2009
AstroBoy French Poster

This is the AstroBoy French Poster, the feeling is different from the US and Asian one, fun to see different are have different taste and interpretation on that even thought the key-art package is the same. You can doewnload the Hi-res poster at here. You can see Astroboy French trailer at SND SITE
The release day in France is 12.09.2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Japan Release Date and Voice Casting

AstroBoy Movie Japanese Official website updated today!! They announced that the release date in Japan will be 10.10.2009, almost 2 weeks earlier than the US. And The voice actor of Astro nad Tenma was announced as well.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Tetsujin 28 Statue

The 59-foot-tallTetsujin 28 iron statue is still working in progress in Kobe.0
I like this photo. see more pictures at my previous post
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Updated Kadokawa Atom website
Atom/AstroBoy Japanese Trailer

There is updated at Kadokawa Atom website, you can click the button to give Atom power. There will be something fun on 07-22-2009...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
AstroBoy the Video Game Site

The AstroBoy video game official website activated!
Freddie Highmore and Kristen Bell will reprise their roles for D3 Publishing’s tie-in Astro Boy: The Video Game.
Saturday, July 11, 2009

....長達3分鐘的《超蛙戰士》電影預告片中,在浩瀚的宇宙,蛙人戰士、機甲AIU、空間站、艦隊、轟炸機、駕駛員、冷兵器等相互間快節奏的戰斗溶為一體,迄今 為止,這是第一部將機甲、艦隊、機器人溶為一片的星戰電影。中國京劇臉譜化的角色形象,國際化的制作水準,HD1080高清級別,國內一流的音效合成,這 一切都表明目前中國原創3維動畫電影的設計制作水平已遙遙領先。
《超蛙戰士》是一部關於太空的科幻史詩,僅故事創作就歷時五六年,作品充滿了強烈的英雄主義色彩。而該片的原創特色表現在,從京劇臉譜到孩子玩的撥浪鼓,從雕樑畫棟到中國武術,點點滴滴都鮮明地烙上了“中國印”。 ....
See the trailer: QQ
Read more: Sina
XO...國際化的制作水準? 看過試片後很有保留。 不是不支持國內原創,但是那些對於制作水準的定義似乎與外界有很大的偏差... 究竟這個徐克是否香港的那一個徐克?
AstroBoy Banner

This is the AstroBoy movie Banner I found at the bottom of Tezuka Osamu Official Site, here i screen cap the images in to sequence order, you can see the animated flash verion there. I like how the designer (from Tezuka) intergrate the Cores (Blue and Red) with the imagi logo "i". About the Logo, this is deisgnded by Tony Tang in 2000, not sure how much people like it but it connects to all of imagi animators here... I think people from outside start to regonize that, why do we need to change that?
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Blip from Sean Mullen on Vimeo.
A short 3d animated film about Two aliens try to take over the same planet. Produced by Ben Harper and Sean Mullen in our 3rd year at the Irish School of Animation. COPYRIGHT Ben Harper Sean Mullen © 2008I like how they use very simple changing-color-concept represent take over, that is so straightforward and powerful and visually looks good. Simple the best!!
you can also check the blog
UNIQLO Gatchaman Tee
And this white one that has the Gatchaman logo on the front.
It also has silhouettes of the team on the back.
These are 2 Gatchaman Tee you can find in ULIQO now. The design is simple. I bought the whie one, you can see lots of imagi animators wearing this, cool!
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Gatchaman (G-force) Fan Art

These very cute fan art i found at flickr by Geeks are Cool , I think there are some elements simialr to my style, thats why i like it a lot. there are more nice illustration there.
EVA x UCC Project

“Good Coffee Smile !” UCC’s Evangelion project with a product tie-up with six collectable can designs (and mini figures).
Monday, July 06, 2009
Pacman and Space Inavder x Mini

An Portland artist Matt W Moore designing the classic Mini Cooper with some really cool graphics from the old time favorites: Pacman and Space Invaders
He's Barack Obama
that's very American to me! Love the motion graphic! having fun to watch this. There are more fun stuffs at JibJab
The Runner
The Runner -Exploit yourself- from BLR_VFX on Vimeo.
MakingOf -Exploit Yourself- from BLR_VFX on Vimeo.
This is great!
Sunday, July 05, 2009
RoboGeisha Trailer
呢套嘢, 都真係好"CULT"吓, 睇完以上條 Trailer 你就明我講咩...
Griant robot transform + tengu milk + hip sword + armpit katana +bust machine+ blood + blood + etc... thats weird but fun, anyway i like it XD
Chinese Shopping Baby x Gatchaman

This Gatchaman art created by a Hong Kong Artist Dorothy Tang. She did a series of art called "Shopping Baby Series" of the traditional Chinese Baby wearing different cultural superhero's costume. This is one of that.
see more her work here
Friday, July 03, 2009
This illustration I did on behalf of imagi for ArtMap magazine (July issue). you can find and read it free in HK StarBucK. There is also an article wiriten by Francis about our training startegy. Can you get the meaning behind?

Above is final look of the pages.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Bell Looks To Win Hearts with “AstroBoy”
“I play Cora, who is a girl who befriends Astro when he comes down from Metro City onto the surface of Earth,” Bell told SciFi Wire. “She runs a little kind of like Peter Pan group of kids. She’s pretty tough, pretty sassy.”
Cora (Kristen Bell) befriends Astro Boy
And despite being a self-professed fan of a lot of genre properties, Bell admits she was a novice when it came to the universe of “AstroBoy.”
“I didn’t know Astro Boy at all, but now I’m immersed and have all the little toys and stuff,” she said.
As for the movie, which will debut some footage at the upcoming San Diego ComicCon, Bell says she’s seen a lot of the movie and that it looks fantastic.
“It looks amazing,” she said. “To be involved in the process is really exciting, because you see the layers that they put on, and you see when they don’t have the 3-D involved and then when they do, and you see when it’s just penciled out. It was a really interesting process.”
Bell is best-known for her work on two television series. She played the title character on “Veronica Mars” and had a recurring role as Elle on “Heroes.” She also starred in the just-released-on-DVD movie “Fanboys” where she memorably dressed up in the famous metal bikini from “Return of the Jedi.”
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Nickelodeon to launch 'ChinaToon'
ChinaToon bows on July 5 on Nickelodeon Asia with two acclaimed animation series -- Creative Power Entertaining's "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" (原創動力文化傳播的喜羊羊與灰太郎) and Zhejiang Zhongnan Group Animation Video's "Magic Wonderland (中南卡通影視的魔幻仙踪)," which will be broadcast to 13 territories across Asia.
"Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" is a comedy for kids 4-9, while "Magic Wonderland" is an action adventure aimed at the 5-12 set. source: Variety, China Daily