Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
This short inspired me a lot! Very unique style with well combination of 2D and 3D. Directed by Clément Soulmagnon, Yann Benedi, Sébastien Eballard & Quentin Chaillet - Copyright Supinfocom 2008 - You must check One of the Creator Bened Yann's blog, there are lots of concept sketches and illustrations there.
The art of Alberto Cerriteño
A Mexican illustrator & designer Albert Cerriteno who lives in Portland amazes you with his artwork. He’s strongly influenced by urban vinyl toys, alternative cartoons, and the pop surrealism movement. Like it!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
10 Oscar Nominated Animated Shorts
The Cat Piano
Granny O Grimm's Sleeping Beauty
French Roast
The Kinematograph
The Lady and The Reaper
Wallace and Gromit "A Matter of Loaf and Death"
Partly Cloudy
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Enemy Weakpoints Poster
Enemy Weakpoints Poster is a geeky limited-edition strategy guide to taking out enemies both digital and mythical by Olly Moss. [via]
Muji + Lego
Muji, minimalist makers has teamed up with Lego to create a new series of toys which combine lego’s plastic blocks with paper. Shown here is just one of four sets that feature a collection of lego bricks, paper and hole punching tools that allow the user to combine them together to make different animals and characters. see the pack here
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
How To Kill Idea...
What and who will keep your idea? > a new marketing manager, an idea sent by email, legal department recommendation, creative reviewers, new creative director, client think he's creative, budget etc...
Great Illustration on How To Kill Ideas by Scoot C. "I did a bunch of paintings for them depicting an idea and the enemy of that idea" [via] There are more awesome illustration at his blog.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Presentation at TBS Digicon6
《原子小金剛》創作總監深入講解 2D 到 3D之間的全新世界
本日(20 日)於幕張國際展場所舉辦的「Inter BEE 2009(日本國際廣播器材展)」中,由日本 TBS 電視台邀請到擔任意馬國際(IMAGI)動畫公司全球創作總監的 Felix(葉偉青),為不久前所上映的動畫作品《原子小金剛》作深入的分析與介紹 ........
閱讀全文: GNN
Saturday, November 21, 2009
TBS 11th Digicon 6

I was invited by 11th TBS DigiCon6 as a HK representative to give a speech to introduce AstroBoy, I talked about some of making of and development of AstroBoy design. This is really a great trip which is totally out of my expectation. I learned a lit and meet some friends. TBS DigiCon6 is an annual animation competition for Asia organized by Japanese TV. Their goal is to invites digital content creators, both professional and amateur, to create their original work. that we have to support! This year they got 2741 submitted animation works from 8 regions on Asia includes: Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, India, Singapore, Malaysia & Korea. It is very encouraging that 2 Hong Kong animation won the Encouragement Award this year and actually Hong Kong won the grand prize last year.
At the forum, each region talked about the animation development and how the government support, I felt so shame that our government gave the least support compared with other regions...
《Time To Say Goodbye》QiQihar Int'l Ltd(香港)
《Such Is Life》Emily
11th DigiCon6 Award List
More news and articles about 11th DigiCon6:
DigiCon6 official website
check animations at 10th DigiCon6
Challenge Your World
Check this short promo for Challenge Your World event in Montreal. Good combination of 2D and 3D techniques, Very american humor.
Check out Céline’s blog for some process drawings.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Gatchaman Ken and Joe by Rotobox
[ via Toysrevil ]
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Woodcut by Roman Klonek

Klonek's website, see more his newest woodcut on Flickr
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Creative Barcodes

wow, see how cool and creative the Japanese Barcodes, they all works! They are designed by japanese firm d-barcode, who specialize in designing these unique barcodes.
[Via Popsop]
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Lettering Sketches

hey, my favorite number!

see more lettering at Linzie Hunter Illustration website
Nice color and style animation! the BG and color remind me of tekkonkinkreet...
“One morning Nayah is playing hide and seek with her big brother Baidi, when suddenly the room is destroyed and Nayah has disappeared. Baidi sets off on a wild quest in a fantasy world.”Teaser for the animated series created by Charles Lefebvre / Thierry River / Slimane Anis
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
“What makes good information design?”
I agree! [via Information is Beautiful]
This is very nice book about infographic "The Visual Miscellaneum" for pre-order
Monday, November 09, 2009
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Typography Sculpture by Ebon Heath
Brooklyn based artist Ebon Heath creates complex mobiles made out of beautiful jumbles of letters and words. His typographic sculptures free text from the confines of 2D space and where it can engage with the larger physical environment.
Heath explains one view of his work:
The structures are a physical representation of our language as object. This “visual noise” permeates all aspects of modern culture, especially urban living. From the signs, billboards, stores, and t-shirts that yell with type for attention as you walk down any high street. All the audio and verbal noise, from music we plug our ears with to the din of countless conversations, screams and whispers. With new media of texting, online, and transmitted technology there is even invisible noise silent to the eye surrounding us all. It is this cozy womb of information, data, or chorus of cacophony that my mobiles hope to represent as well as reveal. Making the invisible visible.
[via illusion.scene360]
Astro Boy China Final Poster
"《阿童木》海报完结版" 有趣的描述... 無論如何, 中國票房已經是最後防線... [via Sina]
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
MINI Minimalism Calender

I love this calender a lot, it contains all elements I like: MINI, nice Graphics, white + green + orange palette.