The amazing sculptures of Stephane Halleux. These amazing sculptures are crafted from bits of leather and all kinds of off found objects, things that from another time that have been put together to create these little beauties. It’s crazy how much attention and detail go into these.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sculptures by Stephane Halleux
Friday, February 26, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
T28 Teaser Animation Test
This is the clips of some animation test for T28 teaser. Few shots of Black OX vs Tetsujin28. Enjoy!
Actually this is the bonus video on the T28 teaser website. I put it here to share with more people and actually I am not sure when the website will be removed.
Few Helvetica Clips
I am Helvetica
Helvetica, A Story
I am Helvetica
Helvetica, A Story
Arial & Helvetica
I believe Helvetica is the most popular Font Type in the world, you can find it everywhere in our daily lives. For the PC users don't want to pay to buy Helvetica font, They will use Arial instead. right? :) Window's Arial simialr/almost equal to Mac Helvetica.
read my previous post Helvetica 50th
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Grass Bookmark
Grass-shaped post-its that serve as page markers. Designed by Yuruliku, on sale here. Via spoon&tamago
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
T28 Teaser Characters
We uploaded The Tetsujin28 Teaser Website few months ago for audience comment and we collect a lot of positive feedback from international, as I checked the survey at 2 months a go, more than 80% vote that they want this movie to be made.
The website is still online, but I am not sure when will it be shut down. I love that project a lot. Here I captured the character images from the website (just in case the website disappear suddenly) I keep this for our memory.

I like Black OX redesign!

I do not satisfy with the human character design, as we reused and modified some of the existing asset to reduce cost... He turn out much more realistic than we expected, yes, he looks like a Harry Porter, this is one of idea on designing him. If I have chance, I will make him more stylize and less photo realistic.

Visit the website
You can also watch that at youtube or download the teaser from the website, check the information from my previous post
I still hope it can made someday in the future...
The website is still online, but I am not sure when will it be shut down. I love that project a lot. Here I captured the character images from the website (just in case the website disappear suddenly) I keep this for our memory.

I like Black OX redesign!

I do not satisfy with the human character design, as we reused and modified some of the existing asset to reduce cost... He turn out much more realistic than we expected, yes, he looks like a Harry Porter, this is one of idea on designing him. If I have chance, I will make him more stylize and less photo realistic.

Visit the website
You can also watch that at youtube or download the teaser from the website, check the information from my previous post
I still hope it can made someday in the future...
4D Process

Monday, February 15, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Vegeterrible from Henrik Sønniksen on Vimeo.
Better Together
"Better Together" for from FriendsWithYou on Vimeo.
Happy Valentine Day!!
Color Theory Poster

This is a cool infographic-esque poster with the summary of color theory. It is a good tool for designer to communicate with client. [via]
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sitent imagi studios

I feel very complicated. I left the studio I have been working for 10 years, I still cannot 100% accept the fact of the Imagi Studios end like this. I witness all the changes from day 1....
Today imagi staff go back to studios to meet Labour departmant. Office just like a mess , everyone packing and shipping their own belongs... these pictures are taken by Wicky one of my colleague, the HR manager who turned off the last lamp of imagi studios..

23F Reception area

23F Character Modeling department

23F surfacing despartment

22F Training Centre/Muti Purpose Room

21F Lighting Deapatment

22F Development Team
22F M.I.S and RnD
To all the imagian, I am reall glad to work with you together, we had lots of fun and we are pround of what we make. Take care and Don't give up CG and animation!!! Hope we can work together again. >_<
Imagi Studios... silent....
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
去年搬上銀幕的動畫電影《阿童木》,票房欠理想,其所屬的製作公司Imagi Production Limited,被總公司「意馬國際控股」撤回財務資助,宣佈清盤,而日後有關數碼製作將會外判,二百五十名員工頓時淪為失業大軍,立法會議員李卓人估 計,連同欠薪、代通知金和遣散費,涉及一千萬元,批評「意馬」以外判形式「甩身」,不負責任,星期三將與員工會面,不排除發起靜坐行動。
上市公司意馬國際控股有限公司在港交所刊登公告指,為保存其有限流動資金及股東價值,宣佈撤回今年一月起,對其附屬公司Imagi Production Limited作出的財務資助,變相令子公司清盤,集團已於去年十二月終止聘用若干員工,目前餘下二百五十名員工,除留聘部份人才外,其他將不獲聘用。source:
上市公司意馬國際控股有限公司旗下炮製港產動畫電影《阿童木》的意馬動畫工作室,上周向三百多名員工宣布清盤,更表明無力支付遣散費及賠償,要求員工申請 破產欠薪基金,但至今未有交代詳情。協助員工的工聯會指,部分員工年資長達十年,初步計算欠薪連同代通知金及遣散費高達三千六百萬元,破欠基金需墊支達二 千萬元,批評母公司意馬國際不應袖手旁觀,刻意逃避責任將破欠基金當作提款機,促請勞工處調查事件。
意馬國際(00585)昨日發出公告,表示會裁減旗下負責動畫製作的附屬公司大部分人手,亦會向法院申請臨時清盤人,未來公司數碼製作部分會外判予 中國或其他地區的公司。該附屬公司共有二百五十名員工,除了部分在動畫製作具系統知識及經驗的專家外,其餘皆不會再聘用。意馬昨日股價大跌15.3%至 0.105元。
上市公司意馬國際控股有限公司在港交所刊登公告指,為保存其有限流動資金及股東價值,宣佈撤回今年一月起,對其附屬公司Imagi Production Limited作出的財務資助,變相令子公司清盤,集團已於去年十二月終止聘用若干員工,目前餘下二百五十名員工,除留聘部份人才外,其他將不獲聘用。source:
上市公司意馬國際控股有限公司旗下炮製港產動畫電影《阿童木》的意馬動畫工作室,上周向三百多名員工宣布清盤,更表明無力支付遣散費及賠償,要求員工申請 破產欠薪基金,但至今未有交代詳情。協助員工的工聯會指,部分員工年資長達十年,初步計算欠薪連同代通知金及遣散費高達三千六百萬元,破欠基金需墊支達二 千萬元,批評母公司意馬國際不應袖手旁觀,刻意逃避責任將破欠基金當作提款機,促請勞工處調查事件。
意馬國際(00585)昨日發出公告,表示會裁減旗下負責動畫製作的附屬公司大部分人手,亦會向法院申請臨時清盤人,未來公司數碼製作部分會外判予 中國或其他地區的公司。該附屬公司共有二百五十名員工,除了部分在動畫製作具系統知識及經驗的專家外,其餘皆不會再聘用。意馬昨日股價大跌15.3%至 0.105元。
"工聯會葉偉明指,管理層表明要求員工申請破欠基金,批評母公司意馬國際明顯推卸責任,將基金當作為提款機,估計基金需為事件墊支高達二千萬元,認為意馬國際即使結束旗下附屬公司亦有責任照顧員工,促請勞工處調查是否有人刻意逃避責任,濫用破欠基金。香港I.T.人協會會長彭兆威表示,現時香港約有二千多名動畫製作人員,分布於包括意馬等三間大型動畫製作公司,今次事件重大打擊本港動畫行業,亦相信會窒礙本港創意工業發展"。source: orientaldaily
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Fiat 500 AD
New print Ad of Fiat 500. It depicts various animals in the vehicle and revolves around the low impact of the car on the environment by reducing emissions of CO2.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
MINI Cooper Big 50 Design Competition
In their 7th design competition, MINI Space, the urban initiative and creative networking site by MINI, asked people to create an image that said "The Big 50" to celebrate 50 years of the MINI Cooper.
First Prize (an Apple Macbook Pro) - "Ancient Rider" by Rasha zones:
Second Prize (a Canon Digital Camera) - "Direccion Obligada" by gas_77
Third Prize ( a 1 pair of SUPERFUTURE sunglasses) - "Road 50" by giampy535
First Prize (an Apple Macbook Pro) - "Ancient Rider" by Rasha zones:

Friday, February 05, 2010
Goodbye Imagi Crew

Imagi disappear in the world start from tomorrow?... Imagi Provisional Winding-up today. lay-off the rest of 300+ people animators. Everyone have to pack all the belongs and leave today. Animators lose the job before the Chinese New Year, thats bad!! That will be a huge impact to HK animation industry development. Imagi studios 面臨暫時性清盤. 期望有白武士拯救, 大量動畫師及製作人員面臨失業...
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Adland the movie for Circle Creative. There are lots of adverts, how many you spot within the video? Thanks Sindy for sending me this.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
"See Through" “打,打个大西瓜”
This creative and impressive 16 mins short animation is created by a Chinese animator named Jokelate. He spent 3 years to complete this animation by himself. “See Through” is an animate with an anti-war theme with unique style. The Cimera movment is wonderful and the rhythm is very professional, love it. It was very hot in China animation field now. Enjoy “打,打个大西瓜”
[via] More infomation about “打,打个大西瓜”
Jokelate’s “See Through” Video Animation Made in China
[via] More infomation about “打,打个大西瓜”
Jokelate’s “See Through” Video Animation Made in China
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