Set in the 26th century, the story takes place 300 years after a societal collapse caused by a major war. In that society, it's a technological dark age following a pinnacle of achievement far beyond where we are right now. Cyborg technology is a way of life. People are augmented a lot as workers, so being a cyborg is not unusual. The main character is a cyborg. She has an organic human brain, and she looks like she's about fourteen years old. She has a completely artificial body and she's lost her memory. She is found in a wreckage and reconstituted by a cyber-surgeon who becomes her surrogate father. Written by TermlnatriX
Director: James Cameron
Screenplay: Laeta Kalogridis
Original Manga: Yukito Kishiro
Director of Photography: Vince Pace (Second Unit)
Producer: James Cameron
Genres: Drama, Science Fiction
Vintage: 2009 (Projected)
Production:Lightstorm Entertainment , Twentieth Century Fox
Official website: Yukitopia: Battle Angel Alita

木 城 ゆきと Kishiro Yukito's official site
Kenny, this post is made for you. have fun!
Thank you very much! 傳占士金馬倫買咗「銃夢」板權好耐啦, 希望不會令人失望!
「銃夢」係我睇得最感動嘅漫畫! 其實「銃夢」嘅讀者對像係三十歲以上嘅人, 內容描寫黑暗疼苦的人類內心世界,我懷疑漫畫內的暴力尺度如何能搬上銀幕?
但最新的一輯漫畫The Last Order卻叫我有點失望...有看嗎?
新一輯已到離哂題嘅地步,如果再咁畫落去,就真係名附其實嘅‘The Last Order’!
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