Wednesday, August 29, 2007
FRANK GLADSTONE Trains imagi animators
read imagi press release
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Kewpie Anime Dolls

Kewpie 好嘢,不論特撮片, Game, cartoon, 真係所有character都比你玩哂囉!!
see? Both Astro Boy and Gatachaman are there!
see more here
Monday, August 27, 2007
Justice League become CGI/mo-cap Movie!?
Reports have said that the superhero team-up movie would include Batman, Superman, The Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern, that casting would start next week, and that Christian Bale (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight) and Brandon Routh (Superman, Superman: Man of Steel) would not be involved.
It didn't quite make sense how Warner Bros. would be able to pull it off, but perhaps now we know how they can. says that the movie might be a CGI/performance capture project, much like The Polar Express, and the upcoming Beowulf and Avatar. Here's a bit of the scoop the site received:
However, and take this with a grain of salt, Imageworks are apparently in the running to provide services on the JLA film, competing with R&H and possibly WETA (the latter being unconfirmed).
But the real interesting thing about this is that the contract is for an all-cgi "photo-real" motion capture movie, much like the upcoming Beowulf.
If the reports hold up, expect Justice League of America to go into production early 2008.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Mike and Sam !?

每天我們上班前都會到公司樓下的STARBUCKS買咖啡。服務員通常都會問我們的名字然後寫在紙杯上,哈 ! 每次取咖啡時看看Mon and Sang杯上的名字都有驚喜...
Mon ---> "Mike", "Mine", 最勁是"My" (是名來的嗎?)
Sang ---> "Sam", "San", "Zed", "Sad"
阿蚊已經放棄了,從此在 STARBUCKS 之時他就叫自己做 Mike....
對上一次畫人像寫作已是十五年前的事,畫油畫還是第一次。 戰戰兢兢地拿著久違了的畫筆(不是Digitizer),用從未試過的油畫顏料,還在兩位大帥前,有點緊張......感覺與Acrylic很 不一樣。可以這樣每星期都這樣畫便好了 !
人太緊張了....之前 Lost in Highway...未能好好地放鬆自己而享受過程 (< 藉口:P),畫出來的效果倒很像中學生的習作,不論顏色及筆觸都 damn too tight !!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

這是誰作的決定 ? 顯然,這應該是片商的所謂市場決定。是為了吸引較年青人及所謂Kids Market嗎 ? 他們就會喜歡這"彩爆"的東西嗎 ? 好想知道這做法真的可以多賣了幾多?
電影本身就是很Dark的,是把它定位Kids Cartoon 而 "騙" 家長買給小朋友嗎? 當然做這個決定之前是沒有知會我們。又一次對WB的市場決定感到失望...
What the.....?? This is a really ugly cover.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Screening Tips
1. The audience is fickle.
2. Grab 'em by the throat and never let 'em go.
3. Develop a clean line of action for your leading character.
4. Know where you¹re going.
5. The more subtle and elegant you are in hiding your plot points, the better you are as a writer.
6. If you have a problem with the third act, the real problem is in the first act.
7. A tip from Lubitsch: Let the audience add up two plus two. They'll love you forever.
8. In doing voice-overs, be careful not to describe what the audience already sees. Add to what they¹'e seeing.
9. The event that occurs at the second act curtain triggers the end of the movie.
10. The third act must build, build, build in tempo and action until the last event, and then -- that's it. Don¹t hang around.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Same Distributors again!
Yes, the same distributors of TMNT again !
see imagi announcement
Back to LA
I hope that is more than "different", i am looking for "improvement"?
still figure out how to input Chinese at window Viseta...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Imagi Announced Distribution Agreement with Wowee on Gatchaman and AstroBoy Toys
Imagi announced last Friday that it has form a strategic alliance with relationship with Wowwee Ltd to market and distribute toys based on the studio’s next two anime based CG-animated feature films, Gatchaman and Astro Boy.
Hong Kong (August 14, 2007) – Imagi Animation Studios (Imagi) today announced that it has established a strategic relationship with Wowwee Ltd. (Wowwee) to market and distribute toys based on the studio’s next two CG-animated feature films, Gatchaman and Astro Boy. Under the agreement, Wowwee will be the exclusive distributor in global markets (excepting Japan and China) for toy lines developed by Imagi and its OEM partner, Wah Shing Toys, Ltd.
The Gatchaman and Astro Boy toy lines are expected to include action figures, vehicles, playsets, robotic figures, activity toys, and plush. Wowwee is providing some of its proprietary technology for advanced robotics and flying vehicles. In all cases, the designs and play patterns of the toys will closely replicate the look and story line of the films.
“All too often, film-licensed toys fail to live up to kids’ expectations, because they fall so far short of what the kids see on the movie screen,” said Douglas Glen, Imagi’s Co-CEO and Chief Production Officer. “But in the case of Gatchaman and Astro Boy, the filmmakers are working closely with the toy designers to make toys that are as innovative and feature-rich as the films themselves.”
“We’re combining the most advanced technology in the toy industry with creative ideas from two great animated action movies,” said Eric Lau, Chief Operating Officer of Wowwee Ltd. “Our sophisticated toys will surprise and delight consumers with features and play depth they’ve never before enjoyed in film based products.”
The toys are scheduled to ship concurrently with the theatrical releases of the two CG-animated films in 2009.....
Mr. Douglas Glen, Imagi’s Co-CEO and Chief Production Officer (right), and Mr. Eric Lau, Chief Operating Officer of Wowwee Ltd. (left) with a selection of Wowwee’s developed toys.
About Wowwee:
Wowwee Ltd. is a privately-owned, Hong Kong based company with a worldwide sales and distribution network. The Company is the recognized leader in the manufacturing of innovative hi-tech consumer robotic and entertainment products. For more information and to see the latest Wowwee products please visit
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Animation with "Heart" !

上星期五全公司一起看了Pixar的 Ratatouille...
儘管題材方面未必是我的口味,但似乎不論什麼題材,每次看完Pixar的動畫電影,內心都會感到一陣"灼熱"。驚嘆 Pixar怎麼樣可以把題材處理得這麼的盡,這麼的好?
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Imagi & WahShing Develop Toys for Gatchaman & AstroBoy movie
Hong Kong (August 7, 2007) – Imagi Animation Studios (Imagi) today announced that it has established a strategic relationship with Wah Shing Toys Co., Ltd. (Wah Shing) to develop and produce innovative toys based on the characters, vehicles, sets and props from the studio’s next two CG-animated feature films, Gatchaman and Astro Boy.
Both companies are headquartered in the Chai Wan district of Hong Kong. Imagi’s artists and animators are collaborating with toy designers and engineers from Wah Shing to develop toys that are more feature-rich and innovative than typical movie-related toys.
“Usually, movie studios sign a license agreement, then leave the toy company to fend for itself,” said Douglas Glen, Imagi’s Co-CEO, and formerly a senior executive with Mattel Toys.
“Imagi is taking a different approach, by pooling the creative juices of the filmmakers with those of the toy designers. The resulting toys will be truer to the movies and offer much more play value.”
“This is a superior business model for all concerned,” said Richard Ellert, Managing Director of Wah Shing. “We now have the lead time and creative horsepower to develop products that will far exceed consumer expectations.”
The toys are scheduled to ship concurrently with the theatrical releases of the two CG animated films in 2009.
Glen added, “Imagi and Wah Shing are in discussions with several major toy companies with respect to distribution and marketing of the toys, and we expect to make announcements in the near future.”
Above article is extracted from imagi press release
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
為會考生打氣動畫 !
新將加盟 imagi !
Thursday, August 02, 2007
轉: 阿童木在香港重生!

(1) 自主製作:跟《數碼暴龍X進化》的3D動畫不同,這次意馬不是替日人做生產或加工,而是從Tezuka Productions(由手塚治蟲的兒子手塚真主持)購入《小飛俠》的版權,自己全資製作3D動畫劇場版,而且故事也將是全新創作。若一切順利, 2009年將在全球上映,甚至反攻日本市場。
(2) 強勁班底:意馬的CG技術是不用置疑的。它上市後資金充裕,有能力重金禮聘美國頂級動畫人才。《忍者龜》便是美國人才加香港CG技術的產品,《小飛俠》也將走這模式。它將由Colin Brady執導(曾任《Toy Story 2》人物設計師及《Everyone’s Hero》的導演),由前Dreamworks製作人Maryann Garger出任監製。《小飛俠》的故事將由意馬國際美國工作室負責,而電腦動畫則在香港製作,相信製作出來的作品會與手塚的風格有很大的不同。

Old Master Cute
導演: 蔡志忠,胡樹儒
2D animation

Old Master Cute 2
監制: 胡樹儒
導演: 胡樹儒,王澤
2D animation

山.T. 老夫子
導演: 蔡志忠,胡樹儒
2D animation

小倩 A Chinese Ghost
監制: 徐克 TSUI Hark
導演: 錢永强 Andrew Chan
2D + 3D animation

導演: 袁建滔 Toe Yuen
2D animation

Master Q: Incredible Pet Detective
導演:杜國威 Raymond To
2D animation

導演: 袁建滔 Toe Yuen
2D animation

龍刀奇緣 Dragon Blade
監制: 唐季禮 Stanley Tong
導演: Antony Szeto
CGI animation

忍者龜 TMNT
導演: Kevin Munroe
CGI animation
神勇飛鷹俠 Gatchaman
導演: Kevin Munroe
CGI animation
小飛俠 AstroBoy
導演:Colin Brady
CGI animation