上星期五全公司一起看了Pixar的 Ratatouille...
儘管題材方面未必是我的口味,但似乎不論什麼題材,每次看完Pixar的動畫電影,內心都會感到一陣"灼熱"。驚嘆 Pixar怎麼樣可以把題材處理得這麼的盡,這麼的好?
You mentioned 2009 and TMNT in one sentence. What does it say?
I mean a 2009 product have a better quality than 2007 product(TMNT) is a MUST.
好過成日call meeting講呢d做唔到,個d又無時間做,呢d我做好煩ga wor點點點...(做人夠煩la!)
Cool. In that case, I can't wait for Astro Boy and Gatchaman!
And hopefully another TMNT after that. XP
I think there will be a good news to TMNT fans in the future...
你講得真係喏呀,喺唔同嘅圈子,情況一樣,人的…品格問題,有冇品? 面子擺第一,明自私或暗自私,虛榮掛在面上,從未照過一面鏡…
我想, 有好多員工未必好清晰公司既大方向.帶動公司既人第一樣要做既,就係要清晰公司目標, 將其公開張揚. 要好多既溝通, 令目標深入民心.
第二, 除左話要令公司目標明確之外, 也要令公司有一個support其目標既organizational culture.
一間公司既organizational culture一定係由leadership/management去帶動, 而organizational culture或value要係好多唔同放面去實行,唔係講下就算. 例如公司對時間,設施,空間,員工,金錢既admin policies, 內部 structure, 甚至到坐位家私的安排擺位, 都會影響員公的心理狀況.
最後, 係要吸納真正既人材-唔係淨係識吹水個d. Management 和Creative leaders/supervisors要以身作則帶領下屬以樍極態度面到挑戰. 淨係吹水下面既人會有樣學樣, 吹水擦鞋唔做野or一做就打爛野. 呢個都會成為司organizational culture既一大部份.
我想Pixar應該係一個有良好既supporting culture去帶動其員工, 再加上物以類聚, 佢會再不停吸引到ambitious既talents. 根本, 就一個cycle.
不過, 而家既culture係, 槍打出頭鳥, 邊個出聲做野邊個死. 而個個都怕死. 呢一步, 或者係要再比多d時間才能行得出.
好多時見到美國呢邊d artists好細心,盡力design好每個details,但當send到HK好多時因為Schedule或時間等「理由」而做唔到或要改design,感覺十分可惜...
睇完變型金剛、Silver Surfer、Spiderman 3,人哋07年已經做到咁,雖然話production cost, production schedule唔同無得比,但觀眾唔會理。
剛看罷<The Second Coming of Steve Jobs 創意魔王賈伯斯>這部書,裡面最精彩的部份是PIXAR如何誕生(說的是前ILM時期)。
我的理解是,要成立一間像PIXAR那樣偉大的公司,需要一個發瘋的先知、超時代的技術人員和仍有赤子之心的超級富豪(IMAGI 大概符合第三項條件吧:P)
如果要求環境配合自己,恐怕這是永遠期望.唔駛諗有好嘢出 !
反而怎樣去發揮發自己至癲峯,才是最有意義.是自己的財產哩 ! 又高興 !
hallo from germany..our webblog is great....i will so happy if you can visit my blog and click ads:)) see you..thanks for all..tschüss..
asigh, totally agree with u guys... although i'm not involved a lot with this project but i felt frustrating about those "schedule at first, quality at last" attitudes... hopefully, theres a turning point in some way, let's aimed to create an animation with heart and soul.
The dept head mentioned do not understand what they are doing is participating in bringing new experience and entertainment to audience. It is pathetic that they don't value themselves in such a way. but only think they are slaving for the director. They might not be blamed because of ignorant, but shall be for not "打好呢份工".
They often objurgate for being exploit, claiming how much more the animators in the western world are making compare to themselves, but failing to see the level had been achieved by others and the efforts had been put into behind all these high wages.
The "animators in the western world" are the one that set the standard.
But the department head are not the party that solely bear all the responsibility.
We could not expect everyone is as fiery-spirited. This 打份工 attitude is inherent in a lot of people's mind. But rarely turns into a company culture. The dept head can push back without trying simply because they are ALLOWED to.
“schedule at first, quality at last”
There is nothing wrong to emphasize the importance of schedule, but is it the only important thing?
Quality is equally important.
Good management shall possess flexibility, problem solving skill and always keep an open mind.
How difficult it is to say “ we don't have time to do this” ?
The able-minded take on to the challenge, tackle it and solve it in the most efficient way.
Good management shall always keep close monitor on production, be ready to adapt the schedule according to any changes. Hence, produce high quality product in shortest time.
And to “Manage” takes a lot more than allowing people to reduce their workload by pushing back all the difficult task.
It is about maximizing the result and minimizing cost/time, try to get the most out of the existing resources. That's part of management 101.
Schedule is a tool for management to quality and cost of the movie, not something that be placed in the shrine and worshiped till the end of the world.
After all , we expect a little more from people working in this industry. This is a matter of how you see yourself, whether you merely have a job to get done, a career to be developed, or a dream to pursue.
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