◎Shown above is the still of the new CGI AstroBoy (from imagi internal teaser version only). It does not reflect the final look of AstroBoy.
Jakob Jensen Talks AstroBoy
"For Danish-born animator Jakob Jensen, to animate Japan's classic manga "AstroBoy" at Hong Kong's Imagi Animation Studio seems like a difficult challenge, despite his background at DreamWorks. After all, AstroBoy is virtually a national treasure of Japan, but far less well known in the rest of the world. But Jensen has confidence that he can make "AstroBoy" fly.
" 'I want to apply my DreamWorks experience and implement philosophies I learned at that company into the work flow and the pipeline of the studio in Hong Kong to make AstroBoy as empathic in the U.S. as he is in Japan," said Jensen, 32, the animation acting director for "AstroBoy" at Imagi.".........
Source: The Holywood Reporter
● News on Twitch
● imagi official website
Okay Felix, you know I'm gonna ask you about you know what>>>>>>"WHERE IS A STILL SHOT OF GATCHAMAN"???!!!!!!!
I love AstroBoy too but....I want to see GATCHAMAN...I just want to see a still shot of some of the characters...something...come on!:)
I check this blog almost everyday..cause you are the only source to this movie...
I mean if you just did a brief update once a week or something...that would be awesome (design proofs,sketches,Storyboards etc.) if its possible..
well later
Hey Andrew, I know you are really want to see something on Gatchaman, especially the the character design. There will be some updates at the imagi website in the future and i will let you guys know.
By the way, can you send me the gatchaman forum path, i would like to haer their response on Gatchaman as well. Thanks.
Any chance that this incredible image will be getting made into a nice big wallpaper any time soon?
I'm so glad to see that (and found this blog ;)) !!
When I was young, I'm used to see every episodes of Astro (like a lot of children of my generation I supposed) and i'm so happy that a 3D movie is in work.
If it's the same graphic skill in TMNT, I can't wait too longer (but I know that I must be patient to see it in France) !!
See Ya !! d(¤_¤)b
hi crazybee, this is the image of our earlier internal teaser image, so i don't think we will make it into wallpaper. We have to wait long until the AstroBoy official movie site ready. :)
hi Rush, you have to wait until 2009, but keep coming back you will see more news on that. If you love AstroBoy and comics, you should take a look a new comic called "Pluto" (i am not sure it has france version or not, there is really really cool.
The preview picture is really making me excited. Can't wait to see the completed film ! :]
Do you guys use RenderMan For Maya for rendering or the more advanced version (the studio version or pro version, etc.)???
Thanks a lot for the information !! :)
I love the work of Naoki Urasawa since "Pineapple Army" : in France, we have all the serie of "Monster" et the number 22 of "20Th Century Boys".
Now I have to search more pictures of "Pluto" ... and not from Disney ^_^
Hey Andrew, we use Renderman for maya.
Rush, "21Th Century Boys" is coming, i have already seen the japan manga. We are waiting for the HK version, How about France?
I've got a question regarding the name of the film. When it was announced, you called it "Astro Boy". Now, you guys call it "AstroBoy". Why was the name changed?
Thats the special arrangement for the Movie...
No information for the moment, we are waiting for the end of negotiations with some french editors ;)
I've got a question regarding the name of the film. When it was announced, you called it "Astro Boy". Now, you guys call it "AstroBoy". Why was the name changed?
hi savaş oyunu, the name should be" Astro Boy" not "AstroBoy". We didn't changed the name. we had typo sometimes.
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