◎ Muti-me 胡思亂想 01
屋企人常常笑我不能一心二用,又無記性。駕車時不能與人談話;工作時不能聽歌;思考時聽不到別人對我說話... 似乎我只能在同一時間專心做一件事。究竟是我太專心還是真的一心不能二用?
但是不知幾時開始,我的工作往往都是Muti-task,常常都要同一時間內處理多項不同的工作... 不斷地轉Channel,哈哈,你話點算?? 如我 profile 所寫 : 能全神貫注地專心做好一件事的人是種幸福...
◎ Muti-me 胡思亂想 02
Hey felix, this is Andrew and I'm back to see if there is anyway you could show one......."just one" approved Character Design artwork or 3d model for Gatchaman....
We've seen Art work for Astroboy due to interviews and what not but...there has been nothing......nothing on Gatchaman.. so can you show us something for Christmas atleast???
I've been patient for a long time now...and I'm still patient.. but I would just like to see something...
I'm sure I'm not the only one..
well later
Hey Andrew, Let me check with the marketing team see whether there will be any new images released around Christmas.
*ps, for the Astroboy artwork you mentioned, is that the one with flying Astroboy on the green background and with cannon arm? I really hate that one...
yeah..thats the one...He's got a canon arm and its a drawing...
Oh...I've been meaning to tell you for a long time now that I have this rare gatchaman artwork that I found online....noone else has seen it because when I got it...it was only up for about a day..or a night and then taken down from the imagi website..
but before they took it down I made a copy of it.. I want to show it to you but I don't know how I would.
i remember that issue, we uploaded those artwork and immediately recieved a called from boss to take them out... you're so lucky to get them. :)
This is Andrew again,
SO why did you guys take them down... There was only one new artwork that I saw on there..but it was a shot of the characters (with there backs facing the viewer)...
it was not much but I got it because i had a feeling it was not suppose to be up.
well the question is....does that piece of art resemble what the final characters would look like??
well later
the final Gatchaman is totally different from that art piece, that one is more cartoon like, the final is more realistic. We took that out because don't want people think that is final.
So when can we see some images or just one image?? Looking Forward to seeing something...
Total 9 Felix together
Damn funny wor!!!
cool design ~~
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