Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tetsujin 28 OPs
Tetsujin 28-go Opening (1980)
Tetsujin 28-go Opening (2004)
鉄人28号(プレイステーション2) オープニング (Game Opening)
Tetsujin 28 Live Movie Trailer
Friday, December 26, 2008
New "Tetsujin 28" Teaser

Before I was fully occupied by Astro boy movie, I have been spending couple months with the Creative and Development team to develop a "Teaser" of most classic iconic giant robot, "Tetsujin 28", ( Iron Man 28 / Gigantor ) which is created by Mitsuteru Yokoyam 横山光輝, in 60's. I am glad that we have chance to make a CG animation test on that. I like giant robot and i really want to make a robot movie after we created Zentrix. We are going to share with public by put it on a website soon. Here is one of screenshot. : )
more infomation on Wikipedia: Tetsujin28-go, Giagantor, 鉄人28号

images and characters depicted above are copyright their respective holders
see new imagi Tetsujin 28 teaser here
Thursday, December 25, 2008
love-growth-cash triangle
There is a interesting love-growth-cash triangle to illustrate that most people take on new jobs, projects and hobbies for three reasons:
- To learn something new
- To pay the bills
- Because they love doing it
These three things fulfill some of our very basic needs—they give us stability, excitement, ways to contribute and opportunities to grow.
Here’s where some common activities could fall on our chart:
read more:
Merry Christmas

Finally I am home now. Such a really long trip... even though last few month's life in LA is pretty crazy, I gained a lot, lean a lot and meet many new friends. I will enjoy the Holiday with my beloved family. Sweet. sweet. Merry Christmas to everyone!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Galatic Mail, short film by MILL
Galactic Mail from Asterokid on Vimeo.
Galactic Mail is a beautifully animated short that pits Fedex vs. UPS created by Douglas Lassance and Jonathan Vuillemin from MILL; it explains why our shipments always get dinged up. fun!
You can see some "work in progress" photos here
you can also find that in STASH DVD
Monday, December 08, 2008

I watched Bolt last week, i really love it even though the story is quite simple and predictable. The characters animation is really good, all the dogs moment was being captured very good. Beautiful lighting and matte painting. I found that very entertaining, my wife kept laughing throughout the movie, we have a good time to watch that, maybe those dogs moment really remind me our dogs...
this is the biggest action sequence at the opening, i like it.
here is the one I captured for today, you can see the the most update information MovieBlips

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Bruce Lee Kung Fu Ping Pong!
Monday, December 01, 2008
Astro Boy Goes To IDW
IDW to publish Astro Boy comic books and graphic novels
IDW is an award-winning publisher of comic books, graphic novels and trade paperbacks, based in San Diego, California. As a leader in the horror, action, and sci-fi genres, IDW publishes some of the most successful and popular titles in the industry including: television's #1 prime time series CBS' CSI: Crime Scene Investigation; Paramount's Star Trek; Fox's Angel; Hasbro's The Transformers, and the BBC's Doctor Who. IDW's original horror series, 30 Days of Night, was launched as a major motion picture in October 2007 by Sony Pictures and was the #1 film in its first week of release. In April 2008, IDW released Michael Recycle, the first title from its new children's book imprint, Worthwhile Books. More information about the company can be found at
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
ASTRO BOY Teaser Trailer on internet
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Moment | Astonishing Animation 3D
The moment, student short film for from Filmakademie
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Realistic Photoshop CS4 Poster
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Super Cute Kamen Rider

super cute, this is one of the cutest Kamen Rider figure set. I like those very simple form and the facial, just simple.
Panson Works x Gashapon presents Ishinomori (Shotaro Ishinomori) Characters by Bandai - featuring Mask Rider in H.G.Core (High Grade Collectionfigure of Real Entertainment)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
UP Trailer
Up has a slightly different hero to some of Pixar's films. A man in is seventies heads off on a worldwide adventure, in his house. He's not alone though, a rather inept wilderness ranger tags along.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Distributors of Astro Boy in Japan, China and HK
Kadokawa has picked up Japanese distribution rights to "Astro Boy," the $65 million movie adaptation of one of the classics of Japanese manga.Kadokawa will distribute the pic next October in a day-and-date release coordinated with the U.S., where the pic is handled by Summit Entertainment.
Imagi previously sold its other "reserved territories" -- Hong Kong and China -- to Golden Harvest and Enlight Pictures.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Imagi Studios & D3Publisher Ink Exclusive Worldwide Videogame Publishing Agreement for Astro Boy
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Astroboy AFM party
I was impressed by the big Astro Boy standee, that's huge and I'm glad that Astroboy looks really cute and appealing (someone said he is handsome as well! :O)
the environment is very dark and difficult to take good pictures there.
So far i quite like the new teaser logo design.
i will regret if i didn't go, for me, this is a good time for me to relax and have fun with other department teammates, we don't have time to talk in office not about work since everyone is busy to get movie done. BTW, I am glad that it looks good, i am glad....
about AFM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Interview with AstroBoy director

"I want Astro Boy to be a really special movie, a mix of action-adventure with lots of comedy and a really emotional story at its core. It's an iconic property and deserves respect, so I don't want to give it the glib, pop-referential treatment that so many animated movies have today. Instead I want it to stand as a classic superhero origin story, something befitting the icon of Astro Boy, kind of along the lines of Richard Donner's Superman. I want it to serve as an introduction to Astro Boy for western audiences whilst remaining faithful to the lore of Asian audiences. Astro Boy is a treasured icon in Japan and so I'm working closely with the Tezuka estate to ensure I get everything right."
pls click [what's new] at the bottom of the main page to read more
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
'Tezuka Gene: Light in the Darkness' exhibition

An exhibition featuring pieces by 35 artists based on the work of late comic legend Osamu Tezuka called "Tezuka Gene: Light in the Darkness" is being held at Shibuya Parco Part One until Nov. 10.
The event, commemorating the 80th anniversary of his birth, will display pieces inspired by various aspects of Tezuka's work, his expression, and his view of the world.
Tezuka Gene: Light in the Darkness (Japanese)
see some artwork here
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Warner Bros. Plan Ninja Scroll Movie

It seems the next big Hollywood trend to snap up rights to cool cartoon that came out of Japan since 1960. Already in the works are adaptations of ‘Astro Boy’, ‘Gatchaman’ and ‘Dragonball’, today we can add ‘Ninja Scroll’ (獣兵衛忍風帖) to that list.
Alex Tse (Watchmen) will write Ninja Scroll, Warners Bros. Pictures’ adaptation of the classic Japanese anime feature. Leonardo DiCaprio’s Appian Way is producing along with Madhouse Pictures and Jungo Maruta.
“Ninja” is set in feudal Japan and follows a ninja who must fight eight demonic warriors in order to save Japan. The hard-R movie, released in 1993 in Japan, featured a villain with stone skin, a hunchback with a wasp nest as his hump and a woman whose snake tattoos come to life.
Having personally never seen Ninja Scroll I don’t know if it would benefit or not from a Hollywood adaptation. What I do know is that if this current trend continues, as it did for comic book movies we might eventually get adaptations of the cartoons I actually DO like, which can only be a good thing if they are treated with the same respect that comic book movies are at the moment.
Ninja Scroll trailer: Ninja Scroll Official SiteThursday, October 23, 2008
AstroBoy party

We had a party today to celebrate 50% complete of AstroBoy pre-production overall... there is one year time to release date. BTW, i have no idea how much % of visdev we had completed now, more than 60%, i guess... I just know we still have a lot to do. : )
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Yawaraka Atomu

But the robot, called Tetsuwan (Iron Arm) Atomu in Japanese, might be even better if he had a soft body to go along with the face. At least that may have been what a Web animator who goes by the name Rarecho was thinking when he came up with Yawaraka (Soft) Atomu, a character unveiled at the first Japan Animation Content Meeting, or JAM, last October.
Yawaraka Atomu now appears in an animated DVD series and on T-shirts. JAM invites creative ideas from ordinary individuals to help take advantage of the stock of Japanese animated content....
Sunday, October 19, 2008

BMW has finally unleashed some information and photos of the much anticipated MINI E set to debut next month at the LA Auto Show.....
read more
The design looks exactly the same as the normal cooper, the graphics is interesting, i like the color combination. We have chance to see LA Auto Show this time since we are in LA now!! I have never been to the auto show with Concept cars, i can't wait to see that.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Giant Purple Robot Mr. Recycle More

The robot is over 6 meters tall and made up of more than 33 recycling bins. He is part of Tower Hamlets, UK recycling campaign.
Tower Hamlets has one of the worst performances in terms of recycling. Mr. Recycle More will hopefully spur folks on to better recycling habits.
Animax Top 100 Robot Anime
1) Mobile Suit Gundam
2) Neon Genesis Evangelion
3) Doraemon
4) Brain Powered
5) Tetsuwan Atom (1963) 鉄腕アトム
6) Mazinger Z
7) Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
8) Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
9) Overman King Gainer オーバーマン]キングゲイナー
10) Dr. Slump Arale-Chan (1981) I.Q.博士
11) New Mobile Report Gundam W
12) Astroboy Tetsuwan Atom (2003) 鉄腕アトム
13) King Of Braves GaoGaiGar 勇者王
14) Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
15) Martian Successor Nadesico 機動戦艦ナデシコ
16) Kiteretsu Daihyakka キテレツ大百科
17) Mobile Fighter G Gundam
18) Vision Of Escaflowne
19) Mobile Police Patlabor 機動警察パトレイバー
20) Armored Trooper VOTOMS 装甲騎兵ボトムズ
21) Turn A Gundam
22) Hurricane! Iron Leaguer 疾風!アイアンリーガー
23) Mobile Suit V Gundam
24) Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex 攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX
25) Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War In The Pocket
26) Super Dimensional Fortress Macross 超時空要塞マクロス
27) Giant Robo
28) Cyborg 009 (2001) サイボーグ009
29) Cyborg 009 (1968)
30) Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team
31) After War Gundam X
32) Medarot メダロット
33) Time Bokan series Yatterman
34) Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory
35) Gunbuster: Aim For The Top! トップをねらえ!,
36) Rahxephon ラーゼフォン
37) Gunparade March ~Arata Naru Kougun Uta~
38) Aura Battler Dunbine 聖戦士ダンバイン,
39) Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters In Space
40) Zoids New Century/Zero
41) Angelic Layer エンジェリックレイヤー,
42) Yuusha Raideen (1975) 勇者ライディーン,
43) Spirit Hero Wataru 魔神英雄伝ワタル,
44) Getta Robo ゲッターロボ,
45) Tetsujin 28 (1963)
46) Gear Fighter Dendoh GEAR戦士電童,
47) Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
48) Yatterman ヤッターマン
49) Round Vernian Vifam 銀河漂流バイファム
50) Metal Armor Dragonar 機甲戦記ドラグナー
51) The Big O THE ビッグオー
52) Robot Hunter Casshan 新造人間キャシャーン
53) Macross 7 マクロス7
54) Cutey Honey キューティーハニー
55) Heavy Metal L-Gaim 重戦機(ヘビーメタル)エルガイム
56) Legendary Giant God Ideon 伝説巨神イデオン
57) Chou Denji Robo Combattler V
58) Rokushin Gattai God Mars 六神合体ゴッドマーズ
59) Tetsujin 28 (2004) 鉄人28号
60) Time Bokan
61) Zettai Muteki Raijin-Oh 絶対無敵ライジンオー
62) Choujuushin Gravion 超重神グラヴィオン
63) Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig
64) Muteki Choujin Zambot 3 無敵超人ザンボット3
65) Vandread The Second Stage ヴァンドレッド
66) Change!! Shin Getter Robo 真ゲッターロボ
67) Blue Comet SPT Layzner 蒼き流星SPTレイズナー
68) Great Mazinger グレートマジンガー
69) Tatakai! Chou Robot Seimeitai Transformers
70) Vandread ヴァンドレッド
71) Mobile Suit Gundam I
72) Medarot Tamashii
73) Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Last Blitz Of Zeon
74) Combat Mecha Xabungle 戦闘メカ ザブングル
75) Macross Plus マクロスプラス
76) Gad Guard ガドガード
77) Densetsu No Yuusha Da Garn
78) NG Knight Lamune & 40 NG騎士[ナイト]ラムネ&40
79) Mobile Suit Gundam F91 機動戦士ガンダムF91
80) Yuusha Tokkyuu Might Gaine
81) Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers Of Sorrow
82) Lord of Lords Ryu Knight 覇王大系リューナイト
83) Beast Wars: Chou Seimeitai Transformers
84) Yuusha Exkaiser 勇者エクスカイザー
85) Android Kikaider: The Animation 人造人間キカイダー,
86) Gasaraki ガサラキ
87) Mobile Suit SD Gundam
88) Muteki Koujin Daitarn 3 無敵鋼人ダイターン3
89) Chouja Raideen (1996)
90) Yuusha Keisatsu J-Decker
91) Candidate For Goddess 女神候補生
92) Cyborg Kuro-Chan
93) Machine Robo: Revenge Of Chronos マシンロボ
94) Choujuu Kishin Dancougar
95) Madou Oh Granzort
96) VS Knight Lamune & 40 Fire VS騎士ラムネ&40炎
97) Kenran Butou Sai: The Mars Daybreak
98) UFO Robo Grendizer UFOロボ・グレンダイザー (巨靈神)
99) Shutsugeki! Machine Robo Rescue 出撃!マシンロボレスキュー
100) Fang Of The Sun Dougram 太陽の牙ダグラム
Those in orange are my favorite!
.you can see the previews by searching the titles here:
.read more about: 機器人動畫
Friday, October 10, 2008
Beautiful Medical Animation

Look at these!! Such a beautiful medical animation! How amazing how they combine the medical knowledge and artistic together. I just like how play with the color and layout, just like a fantasy world... check their website Hybrid Medical Animation to see their demo reel, so cool. There are also lots beautiful medical illustrations.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Astro Boy x G-Shock

It's almost been 20 years since the death of the Osamu Tezuka a.k.a. "the father of anime" and the creator of Astro Boy.... In order to commemorate his death, Casio will be releasing a limited edition Astro Boy G-Shock watch towards the end of November.
-6900 model comes in a black red colorway
-1,000 pieces will be produced
-$150 USD
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Upcoming 3D Animation Movie releases
10-08-2008 Bolt ,Disney
03-27-2009 Monster vs Aliens ,DreamWorks
05-09-2009 Up
10-23-2009 Astro Boy, Summit, imagi
07-01-2009 Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs ,FOX, BlueSky
01-15-2010 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatball , Sony, imageworks
03-26-2010 How To Train Your Dragon
04-16-2010 Alpha and Omega ,LionGate
05-10-2010 Shrek Goes Fourth ,DreamWorks
06-18-2010 Toy Story 3 ,Disney Pixar
(not set yet) Gatchaman
The release date is in US
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
New Anime Release Date
New Anime for Q4 2008
- Bounen no Xamdou (July 15) - Also called Xam'd. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann: Guren-hen Movie (September 6)
- Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Version - [Official Site]
- Quiz Magic Academy (September 12)
- Shinjuku Shin-chan Patrol: Warui Otona ni Ki o Tsukete (August 24) - Children's crime-prevention anime.
the list of new anime coming up in this new season (Q4 2008, Fall):
- Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka (October 2) - Romance. [Official Site]
- Bihada Ichizoku - Anime of manga that promoted Bandai's Love Labo cosmetic line. [Official Site]
- Casshern: Sins - Sci-fi Superhero Action. [Official Site]
- Chaos;HEAd (October 9) - Psychological Horror. [Official Site | Trailer: From the main site, click on Menu -> Information -> then select the yellow Japanese text.]
- Clannad After Story (October 2) - Romance. Sequel to Clannad. [Official Site | Trailer]
- ef - a tale of melodies (October 6) - [Official Site | View Trailer 1 | View Trailer 2]
- Ga-Rei -Zero- (October 5) - Supernatural Action. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Hakushaku to Yosei (September 28; October 10) - Historical Drama. Preview episode on September 28; regular broadcast will begin October 10. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Heart no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful Wonder World~ (November?) - Reverse harem version of Alice in Wonderland.
- Hyakko (October 1) - Slice-of-Life High School Comedy. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Inazuma Eleven (October 5) - Sports. Based off of a soccer RPG of the same name for the DS. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Jigoku Shojo Mitsuganae (October 4) - [Official Site | Trailer]
- Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens (October 4) - Supernatural comedy. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Kemeko Deluxe! (October 4) - Comedy. [Official Site | Trailer 1 | Trailer 2]
- Kyou no Go no Ni (October 5) - Ecchi School Comedy. AKA Today in Class 5-2. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Linebarrels of Iron (October 3) - Giant Robots. Koichi is a middle-schooler who wakes up from a coma after an accident and finds that he has special powers. Three years later, a giant robot appears before him. [Official Site (English!) | Trailer]
- Live On Cardliver Kakeru (October 5) - Sports (CCG Combat). [Official Site]
- Macademi Wasshoi! (October 5)- Magical School Comedy. AKA The Magician's Academy. Light novel written by Ichiro Sakaki, author of Scrapped Princess, Strait Jacket, and Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Mameshiba (October ) - Kids. AKA Bean Dogs
- Michiko to Hatchin (October 15) - [Official Site | View Trailer]
- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 2nd Season (October 5) - Giant Robot Action. [Official Site]
- Mouryou no Hako (October 7) - Supernatural Horror Mystery. Character designs by CLAMP. [Official Site]
- Nodame Cantabile Pari-Hen (October 9) - Romantic Comedy and Music. Continuing where the first series left off, Chiaki and Nodame go to Paris to study. [Official Site]
- One Outs (October 7) - Sports. Pitcher gets an unusual contract: Earn 5-million yen for every pitched out; lose 50-million yen for every lost point. [Official Site]
- Rosario+Vampire Capu2 (October 1) - [Official Site | View Trailer]
- Shikabane hime: Aka (October 2) - New Gainax show. The "Corpse Princess" is Makina Hoshimura, who must hunt down 108 undead so that she can go to heaven. [Official Site]
- Skip Beat! (October 5) - Romantic Comedy. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Stitch! (October 8) - Children's Comedy. Lilo & Stitch spinoff, Hokkaido-style. [Official Site]
- Tales of the Abyss (October 3) - Fantasy Adventure. Based on game of same name. [Official Site]
- To Aru Majutsu no Index (October 4) - Sci-fi Action. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Toradora (October 1) - Romantic Comedy. [Official Site | Promo Site]
- Tytania (October 9) - Space Opera. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Vampire Knight: Guilty (October 6) - Second season. [Official Site]
Specials, OAVs, and ONAs
- Cobra The Animation: The Psychogun OAV (August 29) - Space Adventure. Sequel to original Cobra series. [Official Site]
- Da Capo If OAV (December 25) - Harem Romance. Side story featuring Kotori Shirakawa. This DVD will be shipped with the first Da Capo anime series box set.
- Gundam: MS Igloo 2: Juuryoku Sensen OAV (October 24) - CG sequel to MSG MS Igloo: The Hidden One Year War and MSG Gundam MS Igloo: Apocalypse 0079. [Official Site | Trailer 1 | Trailer 2 (U.C.H.G version)]
- Hells Angels (October ) - Supernatural. [Official Site]
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei (December 26) - Psychological Horror. [Official Site]
- Kamen no Maid Guy (December 22) - Comedy. Unaired episode to be shipped with volume 9 of manga. [Official Site]
- Kissxsis OAD (December 22) - Romance. Forbidden love between a boy and his two step-sisters. DVD to be shipped with volume 3 of manga. [Official Site]
- Lucky Star OAV (August 29) - Slice-of-Life Comedy. [Trailer]
- Maho Sensei Negima! ~Shiroki Tsubasa~ Ala Alba OAD (2nd Volume November 17) - Comedy. [Official Site | Promo Video]
- Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei OAD (October 17; February 17) - Comedy Despair. Packaged with volume 15 of manga in October 17; volume 16 on Feb 17, 2009. [Official Site]
- Switch (October 24; February 25) - Crime Drama. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Zettai Shougeki ~Platonic Heart~ OAV (October 29) - Bishoujo Harem. [Official Site]
- Bleach: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na o Yobu Movie (December 13) - Supernatural Action. 3rd Movie in franchise. [Official Site]
- Eiga! Tamagotchi Uchuu Ichi Happy na Monogatari!? Movie (December 20) - Kids. [Official Site]
- Hard Boiled the Movie (October 10) - Action. Based off the backstory to a pachinko slot machine game. Unrelated to Chow-yun Fat movie of the same name. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Precure 5 GoGo! Okashi no Kuni no Happy Birthday Movie (November 8) - Magical Girl. [Official Site | Trailer]
And here's a list of stuff to look forward to next year and beyond.
- Bakugan Battle Brawlers S2 (Spring 2009) -
- Birdy the Mighty Decode 2nd Season (January, 2009) -
- Major 5th Season (January, 2009) - [Official Site]
- Maria Holic (January, 2009) - Romantic Comedy. Romance brews between a yuri fangirl and a sadistic, cross-dressing boy. [Official Site]
- Maria-sama ga Miteru 4th Season (January, 2009) -
- Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar Movie and DVD series (January 2009) -
- Queen's Blade (2009) - [Official Site]
- Rainbow: Nisha Rokubo no Shichinin (Q2, 2009) -
- Robo Crosser (Q2, 2009) - Disney anime.
- Slap Up Party -Arad Senki- (2009) - Based on the Arad Senki MMORPG.
- Tears to Tiara (2009) - Romance. Based on Leaf game. [Official Site]
- The Tower of Druaga: The Sword of URUK (2009) -
- ToHeart2ad plus (2009) -
- Uchuu Senkan Yamato Fukkatsu-hen (2009) - Space Opera. Revival of Space Battleship Yamato (Star Blazers), set 21 years after the first story.
- White Album (January, 2009) - Romance. Based on Leaf game. [Official Site]
- Winter Sonata (2009) - Based off of widly-popular K-drama. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou (January, 2009) -
- Armored Trooper Votoms: Palisen Files Movie (early 2009) -
- Chocolate Underground Movie (January) -
- Maimai Shinko to Sennen no Maho Movie (2009) - AKA Maimai Shinko and the Millenium-old Magic.
- Trigun: The Movie (2009) -
- Yona Yona Penguin Movie (2009)
- Astro Boy CG Movie (Oct 2009)
Stuff Coming in 2010
- Marvel Anime [As yet unnamed] (Spring, 2010) - Re-imagined depictions of Marvel superheros such as Iron Man and Wolverine.
- Gatchaman CG Movie (2010) -
- Gon Movie (2010) -
Coming Sometime in the Future
- Alive - Saishuu Shinka teki Shounen (Unknown) - AKA Alive - Last Evolutionary Boy. [Official Site]
- Asakiyumemishi - The Tale of Genji (Unknown) -
- Before Green Gables (Unknown) -
- Cobra The Animation: Time Drive OAV (Unknown) -
- Cobra The Animation: Rokunin no Yuushi (Unknown) -
- Denpa teki na Kanojo (Unknown) -
- Haruhi Suzumiya 2nd Season (Unknown) -
- Hatsukoi Limited (Unknown) -
- Ichigo Mashimaro 2nd OAV (Unknown) -
- Initial D: Extra Stage 2 ~Tabi-Dachi no Green~ (Unknown) -
- Kite: Liberator sequel (Unknown) -
- Minami-ke 3rd Season (Unknown) -
- My-Hime (No working title/Unknown) -
- Shangri-La (Unknown) -
- Siberian Express (Unknown) -
- Slayers Not Revolution (Unknown) - 2nd Half of Revolution storyline.
- Sora o Kakeru Shoujo (Unknown) - AKA Girl who Leapt Through Space.
- Taishou Yakyuu Musume (Unknown) - Sports. Story about 2 14-year-old girls who try to start a baseball team in 1925 Japan.
- Tales of Symphonia: Tethe'alla Chapter OAV (Unknown) -
- Umineko no Naku Koro ni (Unknown) - AKA When Seagulls Cry. Mystery Horror. Sequel to Higurashi series. [Official Site]
- First Squad OAV (Unknown) - Action Drama. WWII in Russia. [Official Site | Trailer]
- Koihime Muso OVA (Unknown) -
- Macross Frontier Movie (Unknown) -
- Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann 2nd Movie (Unknown) -
- Yume-miru Kikai Movie (Unknown) - Satoshi Kon film.
New Cassern Anime

New Cassern anime will release in Oct produced by Madhouse and Tatsunoko. This is one of my favorite superhero when i was young. See the trailer here. I Hope the story is good...
official website
Here is the sequence I like the most form the Casshern Movie, the art direction is good.