We had a party today to celebrate 50% complete of AstroBoy pre-production overall... there is one year time to release date. BTW, i have no idea how much % of visdev we had completed now, more than 60%, i guess... I just know we still have a lot to do. : )
Will we see a teaser trailer soon?
Approximately how long is the runtime for Astroboy? And, what is the approximate completion percentage for Gatchaman?
Hey Felix. Wish I was invited!
Maybe someday.
Looking forward to next year!
Haha, don't tease me, Felix. I might hold you to that!
I will still try to find all of the secrets before the movie comes out though. :)
hey ninjatron, hahaha.
What kind of secret you are looking for? :P
hey Matthew,
yes, teaser trailer is coming soon. pls keep an eyes on imagi website.
hey Dragon Turtle,
i don't have the info on Astroboy, usually we make 80 mins.
Teaser Trailer coming soon?? is the trailer even finished?? you always say coming soon.. that could be relative. Next january next may. My soon is probably not the same as your soon..
so could you be more specific?
hey andrew,
we are working on that right now, tailer probably will comes before 2009, thats depends on marketing and distributor... there should be something to show in AFM. :)
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