the team in ISO lobby, Joe was arrested by ISO solider.

For sure you know who is playing yoyo. The city look is inspired by HK

Phoenix in Utoland, mission start! This Phoenix is a still work in progress version...
There will be more images at imagi website soon.
Thanks so much for the new pics! I'll be eagerly awaiting more shots and info!
These look great! I love the interior shot of the ISO and the back shot of the team. Why is Joe being arrested? Hmmm..... he *is* a bad boy, isn't he? LOL!
Nice designs! I hope the story is just as good!
you RAWK, Felix!
personally, I'm loving the subdued lighting, and the electric color-scheme with a predominant blue throughout the seemingly "quiet" scenes, contrasting with the orange hue of the action scenes, IMHO :)
i like that Tiny's more buff than chubby, and Mark's pretty buff too! Joe sports that cool rebel-stance (even tho tis a backshot LOL). Jun will no doub be gorgeous cool, and would love to see more of Keyop (teenager or child?).
Apologies if I'm being too presumptuous with my observations, but I'm getting excited, I am :) - looking forward to more!
These are some great shots!
I have to say though, Ryu looks a bit "Hulk"-ish - but it may have to do with the lighting in that particular shot. He does look buff though and that's great!
It's Jun yo-yo! This is awesome - I like the direction the city is taking. It's very sci-fi/futuristic that fits this world well.
The Phoenix looks very sleek, like she belongs, and you say she's a work in progress. Are there plans to make her a bit more stocky? I'm looking at those wing pods and thinking "nothing's going to fit in there!" :)
I was able to see the trailer at SDCCI and liked it so much, I went to see it again. I would have watched it more, but the floor was way too crowded.
An off-note: AstroBoy looks great and if Gatchaman is in that same vein of looking and feeling like the source material - We have a winner!
Thanks again Felix!
Loving it, Loving it, Loving it, can't believe you're showing this..I'm so excited about this right now..
Lets see Suits Suits Suits....lololololol
Thanks for sharing some new images even if it is all still a work in progress. Joe being arrested, I bet that was after the car chase. Mistaken identity. The city is the way they describe it in the series, very modern and futuristic.
I love the Swan's Yo-yo
Are these teaser trailers pics and the demo from SDCC taken prior to Kevin Monroe leaving, how much will the actual film resemble these pics?
Monroe directed all those shots.
Enticing...hope to see more pictures of the main characters soon !
my name is Poet, i live in Israel. Back in the 80's they used to air this show only it was the american version "battle of the planets" or "G-force"... and i loved it so very much back then, as a very young kid. Now, a bit older (but still a kid at heart) i am soooo excited and looking forward to watching the new gatchaman Movie - i bet it will be magnificent! Thank you and have lots of fun working on this movie.
yours truly,
People talk about the team relationships and characterization. I just saw this fan made screen shot movie that depicts all the characters different interactions, but the important thing was they are a team, and almost a family.
Maybe this could help. You really have to watch the original episodes to understand the full impact though.
Personally, I don't like some of the drafts I'm seeing, or the ideas I'm hearing.
If imagi is just making this movie so they can make some knock-off afternoon kids show with lots of toys to sell, then please just write in an all new cast of characters now - but don't break my heart and change the original characters.
You know what? I spoke without thinking and I hope you can delete my comment above please. It is not my place to rain on the parade of people who are excited about this movie just because I'm a grump.
I am very sorry.
I do have hope for the movie. But there has not been any concrete evidence that it will be a good movie. I guess that's what I need. No more teasers - just give me something solid so I'm not just hanging on hope.
Good luck.
Hey to be honest I never really watched much of Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets, but this is looking very cool. I love cg films with anime and scifi elements in it. Can't wait to see more!
Everyone keep's saying "joe". Wasn't his name Jason?
Anyway- I've wanted to see a CGI version of this since I saw the Matrix. This is going to be incredible!
very very cool, I have never heard of this project, but the concept art looks amazing! Really interested in your technique, 3d modeled? or just photoshop and painter with layers upon layers?
Looks very well rendered.
Hey Felix, would you know anything about this at Steve Murphy's blog?
anonymous said...
"Everyone keep's saying "joe". Wasn't his name Jason? "
He was Jason in the BotP version, but in the original Gatchaman, he was Joe the Condor.
Reading over the other comments, I see another big challenge ahead of you: Gatchaman vs G-Force.
By now, the production team knows the difference. Gatchaman is not just a darker, grittier G-Force confined to one planet with different names. The world situation, characters, and team-dynamics are different. (Check out the betareadg site:
I can see a lot of North American fans taking young kids to a Gatchaman movie, thinking it's G-Force, and not getting what they expect.
I hope you do make a Gatchaman movie, but also make sure the press conferences and such emphasize that it's not G-Force, so fans won't complain that it wasn't the BOTP movie they were expecting.
I know not much about TMNT2 at Steve Murphy's blog, some executives working on that right now. (let me know who you are, i know whom I response in the future.)
I am so glad that you guys love the look in general and thanks for all the comment. Those are very encouraging!!!
To Matboy:
this is a final render of 3d model with lighting and composite. not a paint over. You will see few second shots later in imagi website soon.
Hi Felix, when do you believe Gatchaman will hit theaters?
Also, what do you think of these character designs(the ones at the bottom, not Alex Ross)?
I Love Jun, she is so sexy, Love the colours and tones very sharp, fresh, WOW Phoenix, can't wait to see this movie.
to Dragon Turtle,
For sure not 2009, I hope 2010.
for the character design, those are quite stick to original even the color scheme, for me this is a ball-path design, i would like to push more.... do you like it?
This is the Future of Gatchaman, it has always been cutting edge & ahead of our time, The visuals look Fantastic and its still only pre-production, I was nervous when they said Kevin Monroe was involved with this, and now I'm feeling better that he is gone, I love Gatchaman and I loved that it was ahead of our time, please remember that when deciding not to "RETRO" anything about it! Keep it fresh & alive with a futuristic look for today.
Even though I would like to see a clearer picture of their faces, I like the effort to find a middle ground between realistic and cartoonish character designs.
The suits are nice, as well.
Is it normal for a movie to keep getting pushed back like this? I'm not sure whether to be worried the movie won't happen, or be thankful that you guys are taking the time to get it right...
And I can't wait to see more...it is shaping up nicely...
We want to see more!
I've been pretty concerned with the changes in direction in the Gatchaman movie even though I didn't like Monroe's TMNT in the slightest (aside from the fantastic action sequences). But I trust Paul Dini...if he's still the writer, and I'm still hoping for something dark, edgy, and smart like his work on Batman Begins. I appreciate you putting up these older production shots but I'm dying for somebody to reassure me about the current work! Gatchaman was such an important part of my childhood and -needs- to be an awesome, angsty sci-fi action flick. @_@
I guess I have to add that I think Gatchaman should be accessible to children, it's just that being accessible to children doesn't mean the series has to be simplified into something flashy and nonsensical.
I'm very sorry, but I felt this happened with TMNT. Why was April O'Niel for no reason suddenly a ninja? It showed a total disrespect to her complex character who never needed to rely on gimmicks to be a confident female role model. She was a ballsy reporter who was the turtle's link to the big city and human life, in the TMNT movie for no apparent reason she lost all her actual character and became a silly "ninja chick." Why would you do something like that?
I'm really terrified of that kind of thing in terms of Gatchaman, taking something that's so complex and intelligent and thinking it has to become less complex and less intelligent to appeal to children, that it can't have nuance and character. This is a really backwards way to think and totally disrespectful to the intelligence of children.
I didn't need anybody to dumb down my entertainment when I was a child, and I feel the American youth are frequently treated like idiots when they can handle shows that ask them to think as long as those shows also keep the pace going and are tightly plotted and full of moments of sheer awesome. See, again, the Batman animated series and Batman Beyond -- two shows that were intelligent and complex enough for adults to watch but universal and awesome enough to be accessible to every child. This is what I want to see in Gatchaman.
Erk, I'm sorry to spam your blog, but in my first comment I said Paul Dini worked on "Batman Begins" for no reason. I meant "Batman: The Animated Series" obviously but I put down something different because Batman Begins is a more recent title.
Yo, Anonymous, if you watched the show AND the movies, the turtles were teaching April martial arts. It was no surprise she knew how to fight in the movie.
The subject is too interesting, thanks for sharing
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