Most of people saw this poster in ComiCon, I find this poster everywhere in internet since the anime expo, but that version is just from photo taking. I finally get approval from company to share this the better quality version with friends here. We all like this one, hope that we have time to make the rest of other 4 Gatchaman. : )

This is another Gatcha-mural illustrated by Patrick, I like the comic style.
Hi Felix, this poster is great. I have a question; when will be posted new images of GATCHAMAN.
Greetings from Colombia.
Hi. I saw this poster, along with the photobooth BG featuring Ryu, Joe, Jinpei and Jun at the anime Expo. now my question is this: after seeing all five members at the end of the teaser trailer and Patrick Awa's mural, which designs were used? Patrick's, or the ones in the trailer?
Also, when can you upload a high-res version of the 4 gatchaman used for the photobooth? Thanks
Hi Philip, as I know so far Patrick's one was used but who knows? thing is keep changing every day... for 4 gatchaman art for photo-booth, let me check.
Alright then. More power to you guys at imagi, and looking forward to the movie :D
Hi Felix,
I came across a fansite today, and read an article regarding the Gatchaman movie. Was it true that imagi showed a 2-minute teaser trailer in the 2007 Filmart Expo? If so, when can the company post it?
Hi Philip, I think thats true but I don't think company will post that trailer to public anymore, that one is produced by the development team , more like a test/development teaser. Since all designs in that one is just temp... actually we had few different versions of teasers during this year. Here is one of those in 2008: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOu7TAZUmhc&feature=related
Here is the one for anime expo in 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z-382cj_os&feature=related
Actually this version woth mixed clips from 2007 and 2008 clips.
Hi Felix,
I saw the early sketches for the Gatchaman team, and I have to say they look impressive. Speaking of which, when can Imagi release a hig def version of the trailer shown in the Anime Expo? Tahnks
hi Philip, I don't company have plan to show that version neither... since there are lots of changes now and that version can't reflect the latest story. sorry, you have to wait longer. >_< felix
Oh, now i see... the '07 and '08 works weren't the final versions to be used. No wonder the images dissapeared at Imagi's site, am I right?
Hi Philip, you are right! I am little worry about the new direction of Gatchaman design... Imagi please don't ruin the Gatchaman Spirit!!
hi felix,
don't worry about the film. Patrick Awa's design is still existing as far as I know, so who knows? Maybe that's what the team will look like in the finalized output. Speaking of which, I myself made some fan-art of the team using the NTT campaign designs and Patrick Awa's color scheme. If you have time, take a look here: w-double.deviantart.com
hi Philip, I checked your work, nice work. I like how you use the idea of NNT helmet. good try. Draw more :)
I worry because that is not the gman design from Patrick anymore...
Hi felix, what do you mean it's not Patrick's design? my drawings or the movie itself?
The movie itself.
Ouch... then it's back to the drawing board for you guys, huh? If you like, I can suggest ideas through my deviantART gallery. consider it helping out
Hi felix,
i just wanted to clarify if the Gatchaman movie is going to be released in 2011, coz i saw other sites say it will be released late 2010. Which is the real release date?
I am out of loop of Gatchaman development already, but I don't think gatchaman can't be finished and released in 2010.
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