Thanks for Philip found this really old old Gatchaman teaser on internet, I have no idea how this teaser went to internet, anyway I am glad that friends can see this. This teaser was made in 2006 fall for internal and marketing and which was inspired a lot from NTT Gatchaman CM. As I remember, we never shown on interent. This is not the final final version, the final one with all the Tag Graphic on top of each Gatchaman close up shot.

The character's face looks little over western cartoony which I don't like, and the bird suit design is too bulky... but I like the tone and motion style. That was really good start at that time. The Teaser was directed by Kevin Munroe, Story boraded by Sean, CG production by D-team.
Above are some of my favorite shots.
source: wide band entertainment
This Gatchaman Bird-suit Design by Patrick and Todd is still my favorite.

After this poster, I planned to make the rest of 4 Birdsuit poster, unfortunately I don't know when we can get them finish...

Can you also upload the photo where Ken stands up after dropping in front of the four of them?
Also, when do you plan to releases the other 4 posters alongside Joe?
I dislike the western cartoony style in this teaser as well. It looks too plain and lacks the distinguish facial features from the original Tatsunoko animation. The realistic face and character design on the poster and artwork is a major step up.
看了這部預告.懇求千萬不要再繼續製作下去.否則imagi真的就死透了.imagi的作品 .自忍者龜起.每一部怎麼看都不對勁.
一部接一部做出失去原作趣味的影片.今天看了這對預告想到 speed racer .
speed racer導演 讓我相信當年他們一定真正迷上過這部動畫.覺得那才是身為一個 fans應該表達出的心意.
然而ASTROBOY, T28, CATCHAMAN 的方向都好像是西化點就可以大賣是甚麼心理? 要西化倒不如拿西方作品來做, 為了西化而連原作好些代表性ICON也刪改, 只落得兩面不討好罷了.
我明白點解之前imagi唔先推出gatchaman。質素雖然唔係好差, 但真係唔可以上大銀幕!
而且imagi的作品總係有copycat其他漫畫的地方(開頭由大廈望下去的幾個shot, 和ghost in the shell 十分相似)
Hi felix,
Do you by any chance have this picture in high resolution or better quality?
If I'm correct, this was used as a photo booth in Anime Expo last year in America, right?
Hi felix,
Do you by any chance have this picture in high resolution or better quality?
If I'm correct, this was used as a photo booth in Anime Expo last year in America, right?
Oops, double post
I don't have the final version which is made by LA marketing team which is closed down.... sorry
Hi felix,
Long time since I last talked with you here. I managed to find this video at the Imagi site:
Think you can send me a copy of that video? Thanks
Do you have any official character turnarounds that you wish to share with us? Thanks for your time
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