Wednesday, December 29, 2010

10 Oscar-Nominated Animated Short Films

There are 10 Oscar nominated animated shorts, enjoy!

Day & Night, Teddy Newton, director (Pixar Animation Studios)

Looney Tunes - Coyote Falls, Matthew O’Callaghan, director and Sam Register, executive producer (Warner Bros. Animation Inc.)

Sensology, Michel Gagne, director-producer (GAGNE International LLC)

The Cow Who Wanted to Be a Hamburger, Bill Plympton, director (Bill Plympton Studio)

The Gruffalo, Jakob Schuh and Max Lang, directors (Magic Light Pictures)

The Lost Thing, Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann, directors (Passion Pictures Australia)

The Silence beneath the Bark(le silence sous l'ecorce), Joanna Lurie, director (Lardux Films)

Madagascar, Carnet de Voyage (Madagascar, a Journey Diary), Bastien Dubois, director (Sacrebleu Productions)

Urs, Moritz Mayerhofer, director (Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg)

Let’s Pollute, Geefwee Boedoe, story-design-animation (Geefwee Boedoe)

Check out more info and screenshos here (in Chinese)


Anonymous said...

Parabéns por sua postagem.
Falta pouco, muito pouco para 2011.
Que seja um ano de sucesso para todos nós.
Aguardo a visita de todos no Escrivaninha do Alê.
Até aproxima se Deus permitir!
Feliz 2011.

Alan said...

I think Day & Night is the best all the time, but the others are also good job. (ps.:好久未來這裡留言,因為本身未有用blogger的習慣,竟差點兒忘記了如何留言,哈哈..)

Alan said...

最特別的是第4部(The Cow Who Wanted to Be a Hamburger),一看還以為是由初中生弄出來的flash,殊不知原來是大師作品(可能對Plympton不多認識吧),不過對如斯短片能登大雅之堂,可謂前無古人也。此片去到56秒就播完,但本人卻懷疑還有下半部份,究竟作者要搞甚麼東東?

felix ip said...

Welcome back Alan, happy new year!!!

Alan said...

Happy new year 2011,祝新年蒙福.

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