Studio 4°C had involved with numerous projects such as Detroit Metal City, and Spriggan. More recently, The Animatrix and Batman: Gotham Knight.
Thundercats is executive produced by Sam Register (Teen Titans, Ben 10, Batman: The Brave and The Bold). Michael Jelenic (Batman: The Brave and The Bold, Wonder Woman) and Ethan Spaulding (Avatar: The Last Airbender) are the producers.
Previous post: Thundercats Returns
Yeah, super cool.
Here another image from Lesean Thomas blog, even the quality is poor:
Thanks for the link. Cool! Hope there will be a teaser soon.
My friend, the picture doesn't include Mumm-ra. The fourth character i s Tigra.
..I hope too. Let's hope for some Good stuff. By "good" I mean GOOD story ^_^
What I honestly don't like is the teeneger (or just more junger) approach to Lion-o (and also Cheetara).
Maybe this is (sadly for me) the today cartoon direction, to have younger heroes.
This is totally cool and I am so happy that there are many great cartoons out now and coming soon.
Thanks Felipe for the correction, I've corrected it.
mrKaizen: Totally agree with you, I am not worry about the visual and animation quality is grantee by 4C studio, hope the story is GOOD.
For example I was little disappointed about the Batman: Gotham Knight. Only one story (from Tekkon director) I like.
Ninjatron: Yeahh, I would like to see more. Anyone watch the ironman anime yet? Is the story good?
Felix look:
Thanks for the update, mrKaizen. I guess this is an old test movie around 2 years ago. I think the CG movie project is still on hold.
Ehi, also a video now ^_^:
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