the Flying Astro boy
This is the Clips from live action Japanese Astro Boy I found on Youtube Astroboy looks really.... "awesome..." (you can see clips of Gigantor TV shows as well)
當年真人版的Astro Boy實在太靚仔了,那個比例很有趣...
In 1962, MBS released a Live Action movie, a compilation film made up of episodes from the 1959-60 live action TV series that came before the 60's animated television series which loosely followed the manga. The opening sequence (around 1 minute) is an anime type animation, and the rest is a Black and White movie. The whole movie lasts for 1h15m. Wikipedia
aboy 靚仔到想大巴大巴星佢
鐵人28 舊還舊都無理由咁甩皮甩骨ga...haha
個胸大咗、對眼細咗, 冇睇錯!係女裝‘小肥俠!’, 個鉄人28幾似七十年代條垃圾蟲喎!
..................好明顯係 Astrogirl 黎架喎.......
鉄腕アトム....簡直係馮寶寶與譚蘭卿(儘管有D不敬)嘅crossover.中間o個段大頭好有"日本魚肝油丸,卡哇衣呢" 嘅feel!
至於鉄人28号....同Futurama 隻Bender都有得揮啵!
哈哈哈!! 似kuso多過似經典
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