Creative department, you can see Director Kevin

Modeling in progress

Animation process

整個構思是來自Fun Factory,大量小人快樂地合力建造一些偉大的工程...
please go to Imagi website and click Behinnd The Scenes, have fun!!
順便在此出個 Production Credit 多謝下大家...
Gace Jee 》Art Direction, Graphic Design
Cathy Leung 》Co-ordination, Graphic Design, Proof Reading
(即全天侯阿四 :p)
ManKit 》Motion Graphics
Kenny 》Programmer
Asia 》Copy Writing
要用 Flash player 8 先睇到,可按此下載
Congratulation! the GMAN version have coming?
Gatchaman version? coming next year la.
OO, I was playing here a while ago-- totally love it!
Thank you, splinter's irinna. you know what there is some hidden fun inside the creative part....
冇我地 dev ga ~~~ !__!
已經包埋你哋ga啦...Development team 一人等於一個departmant. :p
Is it for the whole company or TMNT?
that's just a general pipeline cand workflow concept... take TMNT as a example.
As a matter of fact, the Dev did participate as an individual unit in the visual development and completed the trailer from start to end until today. Which is already a mini version of the movie production. The effort spent is no less than any other team. But sadly the Dev is not treated the same way as others which have their own identity.
Than I guess it is better to give Dev it's own identity. as a part of good production management, it is important to give proper acknowledgement to keep the staff is essential in keeping them in good morale, Or else they will loose the passion and interest and would not be willing to put "extra". Not good for visdev as that require a lot of testing and creative though.
It that something needed to re-consider?
By the way, trailer 都有 PM
o架... :)
唔好咁對我地先得o架, 嬲!
The current one just show the pipeline in TMNT, it will be changed and different for Astroboy and Gatchaman, so D-team will be added in the future at phaseII. Don't worry.
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