足足等了一年,才有機會放假。一個真正的假期,將自己完全抽離工作 NO WORK, NO EMAIL, NO PHONE CALL...想的是休息,真正的休息。
別人說︰休息是為了"充電"來應付未來的工作... 七天的充電在我上班的頭一天便已經耗盡了...也許是我這個老電池也太累了,幾近"打柴",之後到 LA 的路更是難走.....夠電撐下去吧!
別人說︰休息是為了"充電"來應付未來的工作... 七天的充電在我上班的頭一天便已經耗盡了...也許是我這個老電池也太累了,幾近"打柴",之後到 LA 的路更是難走.....夠電撐下去吧!
Keep working I proud of you...
dont die, many cool shots waiting for u to comment. that can help u to recharge a bit :) or in the day time, use mobile AAA battery to work as needed to walk around, then at night time,when u can stay in your own desk, use AC electric to work and for charging up the battery for next day work...
we are fighting too, wont leave u alone, +oil
Everything is bad
Everyday is a test,
Don't got mess,
Try your best,
And don't forget,
You can do that,
Against the rest~
thanks everyone, I will have some rest this weekend. LA is very hot!
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