I think you must see this "Tezuka Moderno" series character before, books, figures, capsule toys and different kinds of products. UI love the design a lot, simple, cute and sweet and they are all very appealing. This is a very successful redesign of Astroboy.
"Tezuka Moderno was unveiled at the 2006 Tokyo Anime Fair, and is a collaboration between Tezuka Productions and renowned Japanese designer Shiro Nakano’s Modern Pets. Modern Pets is a collection of plush animals which is vastly popular in Japan at the moment. Under the Tezuka Moderno umbrella you will find some of Osamu Tezuka’s most famous characters rendered in Nakano's style."

Read more:
Tezuka Moderno Crossover promotion in HK
Tezuka Moderno Yujin Time Capsule products
這風格的Astro boy真的是非常可愛^_^
其實Astroboy個頭係‘整尖咗’嘅米奇老鼠耳朶,不過我鐘意佢多D喎,我記得我第一本睇嘅漫畫係「小飛俠」, 果陣讀緊幼稚園高班,依稀的印像係躺在牀上被修理的「小飛俠,一隻巨的大機械蟻従地底鑽出來!
Hey Felix.... you in LA yet?
I'm going to try and visit you for a couple of days.
yes, i am in LA... sound godd! send me email and let me know your plan.
Hi Felix, is there any update you can give on Astroboy, is it still set to come out next year?
We are in production now. yes, it is still set to come out next year. There will be some update soon in imagi website.
Any news on Gatchaman and is Imagi still in talks with Mirage over the TMNT sequel?
Gatchaman still doesn't have a director and it appears the rumor circulating with regards to the animation studio Imagi and its relationship to the sequel of the TMNT film is, perhaps, true. Below find the official word:
Imagi's unilateral option to produce and distribute a sequel to the 2007 TMNT CG-animated movie expired on April 30, 2008. As a result, while Mirage continues to speak with Imagi, Mirage has begun discussions with several other movie companies regarding the production of a new TMNT film for distribution sometime in the not-too-distant future.
Jun Falkenstein has been chosen to direct the Imagi Gatchaman film. I don't understand why imagi hasn't announced yet.
i got this info from Gatchablog.
Maybe because they don't want to announce it? They have been so quick to announce every other new employee they have hired over the past year. Just go to their website and you will see.
i guess imagi want to keep it low-profile until they can prove the new director is good enough. changing director is a big gambling.
As soon as fans here about Jun Falkenstein taking over as director they're going research her past works and see that her biggest work to date was The Tigger Movie, the fanbase is already angry about the movie, which was originally presented as a PG-13 action movie, being downgraded into a more kid friendly movie, no doubt such an annoucement will only add fuel to the fire.
As for TMNT 2, I hope Imagi and Mirage can come to some type of an agreement, Imagi can't afford losing their highest profile project to date.
please don't give me "Saturday-morning-cartoon" Gatchaman, i won't see that then. I need cool hero like ironman, batman etc.
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