Bakuman is a manga I'm personally very fond of: written and drawn by the Death Note-famous team Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata, it focuses on two ninth grade boys who wish to become mangaka.

There are lots of knowledge on manga production, you will know how the industry and mechanism work. The impressed me the most is the how they get through the day-to-day lives challenges to create a pop manga, have their dream come true.... Since I am working on the comic project, I attached itt myself to this subject, I usually have the same problems...so I read it many times to encourage myself. If you never read this, I highly recommend!

The illustration are cool, a very clean and elegant style
These are the Manga created by the authors inside the story.
One more good news Bakuman is currently running in Weekly Shounen Jump with five volumes on the market is finally getting an anime of 25 episodes, scheduled to air Oct. 2010. The anime series will be airing on NHK, developed by the studio J.C.Staff.Every time i finished reading that, I feel my body is burning (my blood is boiled !!!)
By the way, It called 食梦者 in China; 爆漫王 in Taiwan; 爆漫 in Hong Kong).
You can watch the episode 1 online (Japanese with Chinese subtitle):
English version of episode 1:
part 1 http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xf1pxs
part 2 http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xf1pxx
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