"小流氓" Little Rascals (later re-titled Oriental Heroes) is the first comic I read. It was very famous in 60s, created by Tony Wong ( Wong Yuk Long). Tony Wong created a very unique character look and become an icon of HK comic. For his contribution and influencing a generation of artists in the local industry, he is regarded as the "Godfather of Hong Kong comics" It inspired me a lot. See more his work and bios here. [ via ]
You know if exists an english translation of this comic? Talking about this early stories, not the posterior "jademan comics". I'm brazillian and discovered this mad drawings two days ago, then i'm seeking in all the internet for a scan of this (english or not). Is hard to found.
I don't think there is an English version of this version comic (in 70s). There are a re-draw verion that might be an English version. Actually there is a movie few years ago. the English name called "Dragon Tiger Gate". You can search and take a look. : )
Thanks for the rapid answer! I've heard about this movie, but the comics really impressed me. You know if exists a "scanner movement" in China or something like that? In Brazil exists and is relatively big, and very active - we recovered various old comics published here. Maybe you know somebody what does this in China.
Hello mr.felix ip,my name is Amin Matamin-my hp. no-013 5642484(from 97800 limbang,sarawak,malaysia),i really love this type of comic especially this "little rascals"& ,"long hu men between 60's-70's either in chinese or other langguage...from where i can get or buy this type of comic or in dvd animatioan as well...please!!! tell or give information to me(this is my facebook instead;-Amin Matamin...almost every website in the internet but still didn't found...anyway,BIGTHANKS FOR YOUR CONCERN-"SHARING IS CARING"
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